User:TheLongConn/The Upper Kingdom

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NeutralThe Upper Kingdom
Location Upper Azjol-Nerub
PvP status Contested territory
This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

“Nothing left here but ghosts, ruins, and ice. The atrocities committed here would later be echoed throughout Azeroth.”

Chief Cartographer Ironbell

The Upper Kingdom is a zone in World of Warcraft: Necropolis.


“The Upper Kingdom was lost because we did not study our enemy. In the past, we drew prey into the darkness, where they panicked and floundered in our webs. Our first mistake was believing the dead felt fear.”

Remembrant Thoth

Over the millennia, the dark majesty of Azjol-Nerub unfurled like a flower beneath Northrend. From the ancient capital of Ahn'resat, the kingdom grew, shaping stone and ice into highways and palaces. Spiraling in all directions, the nation's influence spanned the entire continent, the region closest to the surface becoming known as the Upper Kingdom.

Over time, dynasties rose and fell, changing the political landscape of the subterranean kingdom. The fear of the surface that once preserved their secrecy had withered, replaced by an aching curiosity. Citizens moved from the ancient palaces and markets at the nation's roots to the heights of the Upper Kingdom, hungry for knowledge and new experiences. The Upper Kingdom became the jewel of the nerubian empire, home to artisans, scholars, and nobles.

It was to be their end. Hobbled by centuries of lost knowledge and the rule of weaker kings prior to Anub'arak, Azjol-Nerub was ill-prepared for the Scourge, who were resistant to their tactics of fear and shadow. By the time greater weapons could be called up from the depths, the Upper Kingdom was already under siege, each death adding to their enemies strength. Poison and blood washed through the streets. Demons preyed on the paranoia, sowing discord in the ranks.

In the opening days of the War of the Spider, the Upper Kingdom had already been lost and converted into raw materials. Arcane relics were secured, corpses were raised as crypt fiends, and even the very structures were made to serve. The necropoli that would haunt the skies of Azeroth would carry the dead visage of the nerubians for years to come.


The Upper Kingdom once spanned the breadth of Azjol-Nerub, but it has been dead and dormant for many years. In it's current state, it only serves as an entrance to the deeper regions of the Spider Kingdom. From the widened Pit of Narjun, armies gather to descend into its throat and be swallowed by stone and shadow.

As it is currently explorable, the Upper Kingdom is a small, spiraling zone leading into the depths of Azjol-Nerub, acting as an entrance to the rest of the subterranean "continent". It is traversed vertically, snaking down broken causeways and bridges, surrounded on all sides by steep drops. There is nothing here but ice, poison, and ruined structures. Snow falls through the mouth of the pit, whirling on invisible air currents through the caverns. Between the gaps of slick, glowing icefalls, one can glimpse further devastation; broken cities for miles, their towers like tombstones.

Near the bottom of the Upper Kingdom is the mausoleum of Amun'set. The Scourge once claimed these hallowed halls, reaping its dead as further tools of war. The Ammit death cult now control it; though they affirm they hate the Scourge more than any other, they are quick to fight over its scraps.


  • Amun'set, Dynasty's End: (WIP)


  • [Placeholder]:


Herb: ***
