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Ahn'kahet art.jpg
Location Azjol'Nerub
PvP status Contested territory
This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

“It was here the First King awakened, and it was here the First King would return. The priest-kings were dead on their altars, the temples laid in ruins, and the Hivemind forever silenced. The First King would tear down the citadels of the Usurpers' children and render their bodies into the bones of Azjol-Nerub. He would build a city of majesty below the world, a grave for the fallen and a monument for the victors. It shall be called Ahn'resat.”

— Fourth Chapter, First Verse of The Founding of Azjol-Nerub

Ahn'resat is a zone in World of Warcraft: Necropolis. Once the heart of Azjol-Nerub, Ahn'resat was the first city of the nerubian kingdom, built by Anek'resat, the First King after he freed his people from both the Hivemind and the Old Gods. Constructed on the remains of the Tol'vir city, Djedet, it was once the pinnacle of the nerubian civilization, wrought in stone and silk. Time bled away its nobility, the people leaving for newer ventures in the Upper Kingdom, and slowly the First City lost its prominence.

The Scourge would destroy what majesty the city still had left. Hundreds of thousands of nerubians once sheltered in its palaces as the Upper Kingdom fell to the undead. Death swept through the streets and raised every corpse in its wake, reaping the kingdom of its people.

Years later, the nerubians would rebuild Ahn'resat, kindling a new age for their civilization as they returned to their former capital. Queen Nezerai was crowned in the Palace of Nerub, beginning a new reign of nerubian dynasties. The scraps of nobility attempted to consolidate their power as informal Regents; the Weavers, the Harvesters, the Shapers. The Pale Court regained support as a new traditionalism spread, founded in reverence of Anek'resat.

It was not to last. From deep within the underworld, a bridge to the Void opened, and the Hivemind that once controlled their people returned. It clawed at their minds, drawing them back into the fold of the Old Gods as it ravaged their bodies. Out of options, Queen Nezerai opened the city to the Ammit Necrocracy; a cult-like faction of undead nerubians who believed that necromancy was their salvation. Being resurrected into undeath protected a nerubian against the Hivemind, and the queen made a dark bargain with the kingdom's former devils.

Now, Ahn'resat stands rebuilt, a citadel of shadows, stone, and silk. Markets and libraries bustle with an energy not seen in centuries. And yet, undead abominations walk the streets, mobs of nerubians are killed and resurrected in the plazas, and the palace seethes with the spirits of the damned. Soon, all that will remain is a city of the dead.



Rising from Amenthis' western edge, (WIP)

Notable Locations

  • Slaughter's Rise: The city's southern edge, where the spires of Khepset rise from the Wilds into the shadow of the monarchy. Home to hulking, bejeweled warriors stricken with sadistic hungers, it is the territory of the Khepset Dynasty, the Harvesters Regent.
  • The Silken Archives: The largest library in all of Azjol-Nerub, it belongs to the scholars and sorcerers of the Nezerak Dynasty, the Weavers Regent.
  • Khanum's Well: A district of hatcheries along the city's northern edge, built on an ancient system of aqueducts and reservoirs, Khanum's Well belongs to the Broodkeepers of Azjol-Nerub, the Shapers Regent.
  • Tribunal of Resat: The dark heart of Azjol-Nerub's inquisitorial judicial system, the Tribunal belongs to the Pale Court.
  • Kingsfall: Once the estate of the last king of the nerubians, Anub'arak, it has languished since his undeath. Stripped of name and honor, it is now the seat of power for the Ammit Necrocracy; former nerubian slaves of the Lich King, now bringing salvation to Azjol-Nerub in the form of undeath.



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Herb: ***
