User:TheKaldorei1/Archlich Gul'dan

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NeutralArchlich Gul'dan
Image of Archlich Gul'dan
Title "Darkness Incarnate", "Destroyer of Dreams",[1] Betrayer of the Orcs
Gender Male
Race(s) Orc
Class DeathKnight Lich
Affiliation(s) Stormreaver clan
Shadow Council
Burning Legion
Occupation Master of the Shadow Council
Chieftain of the Stormreaver clan
Location Unknown
Status Deceased
Mentor(s) Ner'zhul, Kil'jaeden
Student(s) Cho'gall
"I am Gul'dan... I am darkness incarnate. I will not be denied."
The History of Orcish Ascension

Gul'dan was a former orc shaman from Draenor who became the first orcish warlock as well as the de facto founder of the Orcish Horde. Abandoning the ways of shamanism and betraying both his people and his mentor to the demonlord Kil'jaeden for personal gain and power, Gul'dan was directly responsible for the orcs' fall to demonic enslavement as well as for the Horde's invasion of Azeroth.[2] Tutored by the lord of the Burning Legion, he became the founder and master of the Shadow Council as well as the original creator of the necromantic terrors known as death knights.[1] He often referred to himself as "Darkness Incarnate" and "The Destroyer of Dreams".[1][3]


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
Shadowmoon Valley ?? 6,986

A Warrior Made

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Gul'dan was present at the Kosh'harg celebration in the Frostwolf Village.

Rise of the Horde

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Gul'dan by Metzen.

Little is known of Gul'dan's early history except that he was originally a member of the Shadowmoon clan, and showed extraordinary talent with working with the elemental powers of shamanism. Because of this, he was chosen as the honored apprentice to the elder shaman Ner'zhul, chieftain of the Shadowmoon Clan and spiritual leader of the orcs.

As Ner'zhul rallied the orcs for a war against the draenei at the behest of Kil'jaeden (hiding behind the facade of a powerful ancestor referred to as "The Beautiful One"), Gul'dan supported Ner'zhul fully. However, when Ner'zhul began to notice that they could no longer call upon the power of the elements or the ancestors, the shaman began to sense something was amiss. He discovered at Oshu'gun that he had been duped by Kil'jaeden and attempted to back out. To Ner'zhul's horror, he discovered that Gul'dan had seen everything at Oshu'gun and told Kil'jaeden of it all before Ner'zhul returned. Kil'jaeden approached Gul'dan and offered him the chance to become a master of warlock magic, on the condition that he help bring the orcs under his banner. Gul'dan accepted with no qualms whatsoever, and immediately began the work of reshaping the orcs, hitherto a collection of simple shamanistic clans, into an unstoppable and bloodthirsty Horde.

Gul'dan's unit portrait in Warcraft III.

As a necessity of his bid for power, Gul'dan trained a number of like-minded and powerful orcs, whom he named the Shadow Council. The Council was soon using its power and influence to direct almost every aspect of orc society, so as to distract those few who opposed his dark ideals from their true masters, Gul'dan and Kil'jaeden. He even founded and created his own clan, the Stormreavers, who were loyal only to him. However, this clan wasn't founded until sometime later. To seal the bargain between him and Kil'jaeden, Gul'dan and the Shadow Council offered the clan chieftains the Blood of Mannoroth. The resulting Horde was bloodthirsty, barbaric, and evil, an extension of the demons whom they now worshiped.

As a test of the Horde's strength, Gul'dan and the Shadow Council guided the orcs into murdering every single Draenei they could find on their homeworld. The near-extermination of the Draenei, a race as old as his master Kil'jaeden, proved that the orcs were ready for the next slaughter.

It was at some point during these proceedings that Gul'dan acquired the loyalty of Garona Halforcen.

The First War

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Gul'dan and the Dark Portal.

Eventually, Gul'dan was contacted by the mad sorcerer Medivh - possessed by the Dark Titan Sargeras - who offered him the promise of godhood, locked away within the Tomb of Sargeras if he would use the Horde to conquer Azeroth (Sargeras' ulterior motive, however, was to regain possession of his body). Gul'dan agreed, and with the assistance of the Shadow Council, he helped Medivh open the Dark Portal between Azeroth and Draenor. Over the next few years, Gul'dan and his ogre-mage apprentice Cho'gall would secretly manipulate the Horde as it rampaged across Azeroth.

Gul'dan manipulated the election of Blackhand as the Horde's new warchief , as he was the perfect pawn for the Shadow Council. Though Blackhand was competent in battle and a relatively sound tactician, he had a lust for power — and thus was easy for Gul'dan to control.

Gul'dan saw the Horde led to supremacy over most of the Kingdom of Azeroth, but on the eve of the final siege of Stormwind, Gul'dan was aware of a raiding party against Medivh's tower of Karazhan. Realizing that the Azerothians intended to slay the Guardian, Gul'dan hastily ransacked Medivh's mind for the Tomb's location. He was still deep within the Guardian's thoughts when Lothar and Khadgar killed him, ending Medivh's treachery and forcing Gul'dan into a coma.

Without the counsel of Gul'dan, Blackhand was easily slain by Orgrim Doomhammer, who, with information acquired from an interrogated and tortured Garona, proceeded to slaughter Gul'dan's warlocks and the majority of the Shadow Council.[4]

The Second War

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Gul'dan in Warcraft II.
Gul'dan, Darkness Incarnate.

Gul'dan awoke from the coma with only Cho'gall, the Twilight's Hammer and his necrolytes still loyal to him; Blackhand, the Shadow Council and the warlocks were dead, and Garona and the other clans had betrayed him. Garona's betrayal of course had been forced. Doomhammer was willing to spare Gul'dan's life, despite his gut feeling he would one day regret this, and even let him run Balor and the ruins of Stormwind Castle, in exchange for information in regards to Blackhand's followers. This was simple enough; Rend and Maim hadn't professed continued loyalty to Gul'dan, so the warlock had no qualms about betraying them. Gul'dan informed Doomhammer that the raiders were preparing to join the sons of Blackhand and stage a coup against him, as Blackhand had once been a raider himself. Whether this information was true or not (not even Gul'dan was certain), it was possible, and Doomhammer disbanded the raiders and placed them among the many grunt regiments.

As a token of his "loyalty" to the new warchief, Gul'dan promised to create an army of undead riders loyal to him and him alone. Gul'dan and his necrolytes, led by Rakmar Sharpfang, tried to raise the dead Stormwind knights into the death knights but failed continuously. Gul'dan became frustrated and in the end found another way. With the help of Cho'gall, Gul'dan joined his necrolytes in a powerful ritual and at the height of the incantation slaughtered each and every last one, so that they could nourish his newest creations. He stored their souls in glowing green gems, which stored their powers along with the recently summoned spirits of the slain Shadow Council Warlocks. Finally the jewels were embeded into truncheons, and placed in the hands of the corpses of the Knights of Stormwind and their steeds - to create the dreaded death knights.

Of course, at the end of the day,when they won the battle of Capitol City Gul'dan lead his troops to Quel'thelas,and destroyed the High elven Kingdom,with the remaining Elves guarding Freedomholme he absorbed the Sunwells power and became an Archlich and made his troops Undead and with Doomhammers war against the Legion he took the Trolls,Dragonmaw and the Legion of Draenor to fight of the remnants of The Alliance and The Horde.


Gul'dan summons monsters to distract and harass his foes before entering melee with his demon staff against foes that have been isolated by his divide-and-conquer tactics.[5]

Powers and abilities

Gul'dan is widely agreed to be one of the most powerful beings ever encountered. Brann believes that "Gul'dan became the most powerful mortal warlock in history".[2]

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Medivh acknowledged that Gul'dan was the single most powerful warlock among his people.[6]

Gul'dan was also able to wipe out the Sketh'lon arakkoa with a single spell that not only destroyed their camps, but twisted their spirits too.

Memorable quotes

  • "Bear witness to the undeniable power of our dark master!"
  • "Beautiful." (upon receiving the plans for the Dark Portal from Medivh)
  • "For I am Gul'dan… I am darkness incarnate. I will not be denied."[7]
  • "Behold those who have power, and who are not afraid to wield it. Behold... the warlocks!"[8]
  • "Myself? No. I have no desire to march through the streets with an axe or a hammer, meeting my foes in the flesh. My path is the far greater one. I shall meet them in spirit and crush them from afar, devouring them by the hundreds and the thousands. Soon, all that was promised me shall be mine, and then Doomhammer will be as nothing against me. Even the might of the Horde will pale before me, and I shall stretch out my hand and wipe this world clean, to remake it in my own image!" (when asked by Cho'gall about becoming a warchief)

The Altar of Damnation

  • Be silent! The shattering is soon to come!
  • Bear witness to the undeniable power of our dark master!
  • With his gift, I shall raze this land and reform it!
  • Watch! See the ground shatter before us! Watch as the energy flows! It will feed our armies...
  • We will never be without power! I have secured our future! Bask in my glory!
  • It... is... done...



Patch changes

External links


Preceded by:
(as Superior of the Temple of Karabor)
Master of the Black Temple
Succeeded by:
(as Lord of Shadowmoon Fortress)
Preceded by:
Grand Master of the Inner Circle of the Shadow Council
Succeeded by:
Grandmaster Vorpil and Fel'dan
Preceded by:
Warchief of the Horde
(conjointly with Blackhand)
Succeeded by:
Orgrim Doomhammer