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Image of Qian
Gender Male
Race Mogu (Humanoid)
Level 50
Class Shaman
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Rajani
Mogu Clans
Earthen Ring
Location Silent Sanctuary, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Status Alive

Stormspeaker Qian is the apparent leader of the Rajani mogu, located in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms' Silent Sanctuary next to Ra-den's throne. He leads the defense of the Vale against the invading mantid, mogu, and forces of the Black Empire.


Battle of Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Rise of Azshara

In the aftermath of N'Zoth's awakening, adventurers and Speaker Magni traveled to the Silent Sanctuary to ask for Ra's help with using the Engine of Nalak'sha to power the Forge of Origination, but they found Ra to be despondent and unwilling to help.[1] Qian sent the adventurers to obtain a trophy from one of the generals threatening the Vale in the hopes of convincing the Highkeeper that action should be taken.[2] Ra was impressed and—after directing the adventurers to the Engine of Nalak'sha—decided to accompany the heroes back to the Chamber of Heart, leaving Qian and the Rajani in defense of the Engine.[3]

Upon hearing that the other mogu clans had set their sights on the vale, Qian sent adventurers to help Chen and Li Li Stormstout scout out their forces.[4] When they returned with their report, the Stormspeaker declared that they would show the invading mogu what true might looked like.[5] When the Zan-Tien, Dokani, and Baruk clans finally invaded the region, Qian called on adventurers to repel their assault and prove the might of the Rajani.[6]

After Taoshi and adventurers discovered that the mantid have been corrupting their kypari trees to imbue their amber with power from N'Zoth, adventurers reported it to Stormspeaker Qian. In response, he thanked them and declared that they must keep the swarm in check.[7]

Visions of N'Zoth

In the aftermath of N'Zoth's defeat and the end of the Fourth War, Qian was interested in wanting to join the Horde since he felt that he and his kin deserve to make changes in hopes to have a better future on Azeroth. He sent a letter to Baine Bloodhoof, expressing his interest. Suprised by the letter, Baine sent a champion of the Horde to meet with Qian. Once the champion had arrived, Qian was pleased that Baine receieved his message and explained that he needs help in unifying all of the Mogu Clans.

With all of the clans unified under a single banner, Qian was declared the rightful Horde  [Warlord]. With that said and done, Qian traveled to Orgrimmar and met with Baine Bloodhoof.



Main article: Time-Lost Warriors#Notes
Main article: Restored Hope#Notes



  • Qian uses a recolored gray version of Xin the Weaponmaster's model. This recolor was originally used as Lei Shen's model before he received a unique appearance in patch 5.2.
  • The PTR version of N [50] Time-Lost Warriors referred to Qian as Stormspeaker Tian. His voice files are named "stormspeaker-tian" as well.

Patch changes


External links

Preceded by:
Highkeeper Ra
Leader of the Rajani
Succeeded by: