User:Spenpiano/Kash'drakor (alternate universe)

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Image of Kash'drakor
Gender Male
Race Mag'har orc (Humanoid)
Level 15-40
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Frostwolf Clan
Mag'har Clans
Former affiliation(s) Stonemaul Clan
Location Brimstone Springs, Gorgrond
Status Alive
Relative(s) Nazgrel (Son)
4 Unnamed Children

Kash'drakor is a famous Frostwolf orc who had fought against the Laughing Skull Clan and had cut through a dozen of them due to kidnapping his son.


Warlords of Draenor

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

At some point he was caught by the Stonemaul ogres who made him fight gladiators in the Stonemaul Arena. After years, he became its champion. Shortly after the rise of the Iron Horde, he was targeted to be freed by the adventurers sent by Laughing Skulls that had recently allied with the Frostwolves to stand against the Iron Horde. Meantime Kash'drakor and Gladiator Akaani had escaped only to accept help from the adventurers who released his son, Nazgrel. He eventually joins the Alliance  [Commander]'s outpost Beastwatch.

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

War against the Lightbound

For several decades since the Iron Horde and the Burning Legion were defeated, Kash'drakor had recently married an Orc woman from the Laughing Skull Clan and had four children of his own. When the Lightbound was founded when more Naaru were coming, Kash'drakor refused to submit since he saw that they were causing the life on Draenor to die and would lose his son Nazgrel, who died defending him from the new enemy. Choosing to keep his family safe rather than vengeance, he brought them safely to Gorgrond to take refuge at Beastwatch under the leadership of Warchief Grommash Hellscream and Overlord Geya'rah.

During the war against the Lightbound, Kash'drakor and the rest of his clan had joined the Mag'har Clans and had recently repelled the assault from the enemy led by Exarch Orelis and launched their own assault on Evermorn Hold. Once Eitrigg activated the shard of the  [Vision of Time] in his possession in order to return to Azeroth, Kash'drakor, along with his family and clan, joined the Horde in Orgrimmar. He also volunteered in helping Geya'rah in building new architecture that was once used by the Iron Horde in the city and other places that were part of the Horde during the Fourth War.

Rise of Azshara

Near the end of the Fourth War, Kash'drakor was stationed at Orgrimmar when he learned from Geya'rah of a massive army approaching the gates. Armed for battle, he would witness Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner battle against Varok Saurfang, who challenged her to a Mak'gora. When Sylavans revealed her treachery to both sides, Kash'drakor was deeply shocked that Sylvanas never cared about the Horde and learned from a group of rebels of how she played a terrible role for starting the war by burning Teldrassil, for which killed a lot of innocents.