User:Spenpiano/Harlan Sweete

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Harlan Sweete was the pirate captain of the Irontide Raiders and his vast wealth is only exceeded by his sliminess. Currently bankrolled by the Lady Priscilla Ashvane, Captain Sweete has been tasked with uniting the crews of those who sail the seas of Kul Tiras.


Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Before founding the Irontide Raiders, Harlan Sweete used to be the first mate of Flynn Fairwind in another pirate crew, but the two had a fall out following a messy job and Flynn lost all taste for freebooting, and disappeared. After Flynn's betrayal and disappearance, Harlan's greed made him the very dangerous pirate of all Kul Tiras and had taken the most nastiest of the crew and formed the Irontide Raiders. Harlan has recently forced the smaller crews in Freehold to pledge loyalty to him or would threaten to kick them out if they refused to submit to him. He also sent Richard Tornsail to forcibly take over the smugglers cove of Anyport in Drustvar.

He made a deal with Lady Priscilla Ashvane, who would provide them with [Azerite] weapons, which they would use against the Proudmoores to establish Ashvane as Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras. In exchange, Harlan would be named commander of the Kul Tiran fleet. To this end, when he was informed by Ashvane that House Waycrest of Drustvar, longtime supporters of the Proudmoores, was falling into a state of disrepair, he sent Captain Leadfist to establish a base at Chandlery Wharf. From there, Leadfist was to pillage, loot, and plunder through Drustvar: this would deplete House Waycrest's supplies, keep them destabilized, and prevent them from being able to support the Proudmoores, while filling the Irontide's coffers at the same time.


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

After his death, Harlan's soul had been dragged into the Maw. However, his soul was recently claimed and sent to the infinite plane of Revendreth to atone for his sins. Should he fail to find redemption, Harlan would be sent back to the Maw as punishment for his crimes.