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Image of Alithea
Gender Female
Race Kyrian (Humanoid)
Level Elite
Class Priest
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kyrian Covenant, Alliance
Former affiliation(s) Black dragonflight
Status Active

Alithea is a Kyrian of Bastion. Known to have watched over Azeroth for centuries, she watches over the residents of Redridge Mountains.


In Life

At some point during her life, Alithea was a member of the Black dragonflight and had been one of the most purest Black dragons that have never fallen into corruption while living on Azeroth. She set up her home in the mountains of Redridge and always watched down on the residents that she had been protecting for a long time. During a conflict, Alithea was suddenly killed during a battle that erupted in Redridge Mountains and her soul departed into the Shadowlands. Rather than going to Ardenweald to be reborn overtime, she was sent to Bastion and was given a new physical body of a Kyrian, to which she was to purge all her memories of her past life and join the ranks of the Ascended. Having passed all her trials, Alithea became one of the Ascended and watched over the mortals within Redridge Mountains.


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