User:Slamshady/Kynne Willowbreeze

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AllianceKynne Willowbreeze
Image of Kynne Willowbreeze
Title -
Gender Female
Race Night elf
Level 90
Class Druid
Affiliation(s) Alliance, Darnassus
Occupation Druid, Special Forces
Location Unknown
Status A.W.O.L.
Companion(s) Charlie Hyx, Cate Ivorey, Tiaam Samorune

Kynne Willowbreeze /kēn/ is a member of the Dragons who played an integral role during the War on the Lich King. She disappeared upon returning from Northrend and has not been seen or heard from since.


Early Life

Born toward the end of the peace among Night Elves in 234 BDP, she is young compared to some of her kin. She spent most of her life in peace in northern Ashenvale learning the ways of the forest. So much so in fact, that she gained the ability to transform into a tree spirit, where she has the ability to channel life-giving energies. More recently, she became a full-fledged druid of the Cenarion Circle, although her specialty still lies in her restorative powers. She always seemed unsure of herself during training, but in reality, she displayed a higher level of skill than any of her peers. As a result, however, she stayed passive in all events until the armies of Azeroth moved north to confront the Lich King, where she felt she was finally skilled enough to assist. After many battles in Northrend, she became disillusioned with the ways of the world and the petty emotions displayed by so many of its inhabitants. She stayed present long enough to assist in Arthas' defeat, but soon after, she disappeared into the forests again. She has not been heard from by anyone since returning from Northrend. Her whereabouts are unknown.

Campaigns with the Dragons

Kynne was a part of the Northrend Campaign since the beginning and participated in the final battle with the Lich King. She was a member of the following major tactical missions:

The Eye of Eternity - Present at the defeat of Malygos.
Naxxramas - Fought in the Construct and Plague Wings with Prestige.
Ulduar - Participated in the entire assault.
Halls of Reflection - Assisted Jaina to confront and escape from the Lich King.
Icecrown Citadel - Assisted in the defeat of Deathbringer Saurfang, the Blood Prince Council, Blood Queen Lan'athel, Valithria Dreamwalker, Sindragosa, and The Lich King.

It should be noted that Kynne also participated in the Trial of the Crusader, finishing in third place with her companions.


Born with violet markings under her eyes, her skin is a light lavender color. Dark purple hair remains streamlined in a cord behind her and falls almost to her waist. Her dark eyes match her complexion. She normally wears non-remarkable leather trappings and carries a large ornate walking staff.


Despite a relatively sheltered upbringing, her many years on Azeroth have made her wiser than most of her peers, and as a result, she tends to be sarcastic and occasionally condescending. During her time in the Dragons, however, she was well-liked and respected.

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