User:Slamshady/Cate Ivorey

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AllianceCate Ivorey
Image of Cate Ivorey
Title -
Gender Female
Race Human
Level 90
Class Priest
Affiliation(s) Alliance, Stormwind
Occupation Priest, Special Forces
Location Stormwind City
Khaz Modan US
Status Alive
Companion(s) Kynne Willowbreeze, Tiaam Samorune

Catherine Elaine "Cate" Ivorey (code name Ivy) is a veteran of the First War and the Dragons, as well as a long time member of the Church of the Light. Known for her quiet, nurturing nature and fiery devotion to the Light, she has accomplished many seemingly impossible feats in her service and is held in high regard by the few who are aware of these acts.


Early Life

Daughter of a lesser noble house in Stormwind City, she was the eldest of four, born in 21 BDP. She was a mischievous child and adolescent, quick to judge and sharp of tongue. When she discovered the things she could do with the power of the arcane, she spent more time in the Mage Quarter than she did in Stormwind Keep. Many of her mentors remarked that she was a loose cannon that would end up killing herself if not many others in a brash mistake one day.

First War

Upon the opening of the Dark Portal, Cate volunteered to fight the alien invaders with her knowledge of magic. Although she was quite successful, she began down a different path upon defeating one of the orcs' warlocks and discovering his fel tomes. She began to use fel magic to combat the orcs, and would blame destruction that she caused to her own army on enemy warlocks. Knowing her actions were questionable, she did not comprehend that using fel magic was breaking her soul. However, she dropped studies of the arcane altogether when Llane Wrynn was assassinated, revealing the corruption and betrayal of Medivh. Fearing the same would happen to her, she went A.W.O.L. and retreated to Stormwind, posing as a helper for refugees.

Joining the Church

She moved to Lordaeron with the refugees of Stormwind and found the devout parishes in that kingdom. There, she devoted her life to the Holy Light, hoping to find salvation for her past sins. She spent the next 15 years in Lordaeron occupying herself with clerical duties, leaving to join the Stormwind branch just before Arthas' ravaging of Lordaeron. Many years of solitude and peace have caused her to become quiet, but she still has an inner fire that cannot be quenched.

Enlistment in the Dragons

She emerged from her self-imposed hiatus from current events to assist the Alliance in Northrend when King Varian returned from captivity, presumably to exact retribution on the Scourge for the loss of her friends in Lordaeron. After being an integral part of most major assaults in Northrend, she returned to Stormwind and participated in preliminary battles at the Bastion of Twilight and Blackwing Descent before retiring from the Dragons on account of exhaustion. She assisted the Church in recovering after the betrayal of Archbishop Benedictus.


Upon the discovery of Pandaria, she traveled there to learn about the Pandaren way of life and act as an ambassador from the Church. She has assisted in quite a few important talks and negotiations regarding Pandaren relations. She currently lives at the Shrine of Seven Stars.


Her hair is almost all a silvery gray now, with the occasional streak of her previous black. Her eyes are pale blue, and appear to match the gray of her hair unless seen in bright light. Her face is angular, but pretty, and the lines of age somehow stay at bay despite her years. You will never find her in anything other than robes similar to those she wears while at a Church. When assisting in a combat situation, she tends to bring along a long, unadorned staff of service.


She does not speak often, but her quick wit and inner fire is easily noticed when she does. Very few people know her life story, and those that do tend not to believe her until she shows proof of her knowledge of magic and service in the First War. Despite her apparent timidity, it would be very difficult for one to mistake her as unintelligent or cowardly, especially in combat or in a diplomatic negotiation.


As previously mentioned, Ivorey does not own much in the way of vestments or weapons.

External links