User:Sl2059/Champions of Gilneas

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NeutralChampions of Gilneas
Main leader Edward Rothschild
Secondary leaders

HumanHuman Human

WorgenWorgen Worgen
Affiliation The Celestial Dawnstar

Known members

Name Role Status
AllianceIconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif Edward Rothschild Leader of the Champions of Gilneas Alive
AllianceIconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif Tobias Mistmantle Alive
AllianceIconSmall Human Male.gif Krennan Aranas Alchemist Alive
AllianceIconSmall Human Female.gif Gwen Armstead Alive
AllianceIconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif Baron Rothschild the 2nd Edward's Father Alive
AllianceIconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif Detective Charles Boz Detective,Mentor of Halford Ramsey,reference to Charles Dickens Alive
AllianceIconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif Winston of the Cathedral Archbishop of Light's Dawn Cathedral,reference to Winston Churchill Alive
AllianceIconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif George Ebenezer Holiday Spirit Master,can summon Spirit of the Dead(Day of the Dead),Spirit of the Harvest(Harvest Festival),Spirit of Midsummer(Midsummer Festival),reference to Ebenezer Scrooge and the spirits of christmas(past,present and yet to come). Alive
AllianceIconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif Bob the Scratcher Feral(Cat) Druid,reference to Bob Cratchit Alive
AllianceIconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Human Boy.gif Lil' Tom Reference to Tiny Tim Alive
AllianceIconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif Lord Jacob Marley Reference to Jacob Marley Alive
AllianceIconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif Mr.Fezziwig Reference to Feziwigg Alive
AllianceIconSmall Worgen Female.gifIconSmall Human Female.gif Gili Feral(Cat) Druid Alive
AllianceIconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Human Male.gif Guy Mage Alive

The Champions of Gilneas is a group made out of the best soldiers in Gilneas.They are led by Edward and their purpose is to reclaim gilneas from the forsaken,Protect it,And destroy all even who seeks to cause troubles in Gilneas(All but Guy and Gili are referenced to people or characters from the Victorian Era of England).