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Much of Azeroth's Coniferious forests appear at the midnorthern latitudes, covering southern Northrend as well northern Kalimdor and Lordaeron

The Coniferous forests of Azeroth are a collection of vast forests that cover much of the northern hemisphere of Azeroth ranging from about 15°N to 70°N. The boreal region consists of the forests of the Grizzly Hills, Sholazar Basin, Ashenvale forest, Azshara, Wintersong, Hyjal forest, felwood, the Ironwood forests of Northeron, Silverpine forest, Eversong forest, Tiris fall glades and the Hinterlands.


Forest trolls have a physiology that makes the perfectly suited for living in boreal forests. The forest troll territorial range corresponds roughly to the to the extent of the boreal forest zone.

While Night Elves are encountered outside of the boreal forest region their settlements and territories are located largely within the boundaries of the Taiga.

Environmental Threats

The forests of Lordearon have been devastated by the invasion of the scourge and in the Eastern portion of the Continent the stands of trees have been largely destroyed and replaced by a fungal species collectively known as the Plaguewood.


Other threats include the vast clear cutting operations conducted by goblin logging companies as well as the timber that has been cut down to fuel the constant war effort of conflicts between the Alliance and the Horde.