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This article is a player character biography page for Arathandris of Wyrmrest Accord US

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Arathandris is a level 85 night elf warrior on the Wyrmrest Accord server, originally from Scarlet Crusade.

Arathandris Glaivestorm
Faction Alliance
Gender Female
Race Night elf
Class Warrior
Talent Spec Arms, Protection
Professions Skinning, Mining
Realm Wyrmrest Accord

Appearance and Personality

Arathandris is very average in appearance, silver eyes and hair, and shows the marks of valor in battle by her scars. She tends to wear ornate battle gear that some have mistaken to be that worn by paladins, and indeed she has been called a Templar of Elune for her deep devotion to the goddess.



Arathandris was in her late 100s at the beginning of the Sundering. Her parents were Highborne, and while her brothers and sisters took to magic naturally, she did not and was looked down upon as a black sheep and shame of the family. By the grace of her family's high social station, she was granted a respectable position as one of Queen Azshara's Palace Guards. Young and inexperienced at the time, she fought the Kaldorei resistance with ferocity until one night she had an epiphany.

She was standing guard outside the prison cell of a young night elf priestess acolyte one night. The queen had ordered constant surveillance, and as she turned to check on the prisoner, she beheld a soft silver light surrounding the chained maiden. Immediately she felt a peaceful warmth reaching out to her, and fell to her knees. At that moment, the danger that the Highborne were risking to release into the world became clear to her and her life changed permanently.

While she could not release the priestess at the time, Arathandris did leave her post and sought out the Kaldorei resistance, joining to protect the people that had loved their queen so much and yet now felt so betrayed by the truth of her selfish convictions. It would not be until years later that she learned that the priestess she had seen in the cell that night of her redemption would be the priestess that served as her leader in Darnassus.

Shortly after the Sundering, the young soldier did not escape the discrimination of being Highborne, and for years followed a path of mercenary work, until a priest of Elune fell in love with her and they became life companions. From there on, she finally found acceptance within his family. Despite her hard life, her heart is tender to those who are innocent and those who fall from grace and are seeking their way back. Her faith in Elune kept her from turning her back on her people.

To this day, Arathandris faithfully serves the Sentinels and Elune with the devotion of any true priestess. Her faith is only matched by her skill in combat with her blade: Zin'delar (Blade of Glory).


Public knowledge and rumors

Special Abilities

Memorable Quotes

Out Of Character Information

It's safe to assume that Arathandris is in character unless otherwise noted by double brackets. This, however, is fairly rare outside of public channels and whispers. Arathandris's player is rather adamant about being IC most of the time, even if she is merely running around adventuring. Despite what others have said, she suffers from an overwhelming self-criticism of her own abilities to role-play. Hence she is a bit shy to initiate contact but will almost always respond warmly if approached.

OOC'ly, Arathandris's player uses ventrilo religiously and is quite social in guild chat. She enjoys meeting new people and discussing Lore, particularly of the Night Elf variety. She also enjoys raiding current content with her guild <Windsong>.

More information on Arathandris's player can be found at Her player is indeed female, spirited and down to earth, and is very happily involved with the man of her dreams. She does ERP when the chance arises in the storyline, and prefers using metaphorical words and suggestions to depict the scene. She will not associate with players who use vulgar or otherwise objectional lingo to describe their actions in character.