User:Ryllae/Ryllae Mistwinter

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AllianceRyllae Mistwinter
No image available
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Affiliation(s) Druids, Cenarion Circle (presumed), Elune, Cenarius
Location Darkshore, Ashenvale, Emerald Dream
Status Alive
Relative(s) Alassiel


Intensely private, few people know the real Ryllae Mistwinter. Dedicating herself to the perseverance of life, she remains a solitary creature; preferring her shape-shifted feline form over her humanoid one and travelling from within the Emerald Dream.

She maintains a relationship with her sister Alassiel, although, like any sibling relationship, it is not without argument. It is through her sister that she has developed a reverence for Elune.

Although she calls Darnassus home, she rarely returns there, preferring to spend her time among the wilds of Darkshore and the forests of Ashenvale, protecting the denizens from harm.