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This article is a player character biography page for Zando of Eitrigg US created by Pittsburghmuggle.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
Please make sure player character articles are named properly - see the player character articles policy.

Image of Zando
Faction Alliance
Gender Male
Level 90
Race Human
Class Warlock
Professions Engineer/Miner
Realm Eitrigg US


I started Zando the day after Pemberton dinged 60, which was the level cap back then. I had added up all the things I hated about doing instances - running back after a wipe, repairs, waiting for others to arrive, and decided to create a "Utility 'Lock". Zando is a Miner/Engineer, and with his destruction spec, soulstones, summoning, repair bots and jumper cables he's willing to help any party get through an instance - however this became less necessary with the introduction of the Dungeon Finder.

The name comes from when I would play Ultima 6 and Ultima 7. I always named my Character "Mr. Aardvark" or "Zander". The first was too long and "Zander" was taken, so Zando it was.

You can also see Zando testing the  [Zapthrottle Mote Extractor] on its page!

Character Background

The term "It's always the quiet ones" applies strongly to Zando. Always lost in thought, Zando was very bright but rarely spoke. He had only barely noticed the arrival of his younger cousin Pemberton to live with them in Lakeshire. Pemberton had actually been gone to seek his fortune for a week when Zando finally noticed Pemberton's place at the table was empty. Zando didn't dislike Pemberton, he just hated his own life. He generally had spent most of his time moodily putting up with assisting in his father's Blacksmith shop, but when alone in his room he would pour over the books on Goblin Engineering that lined his shelves - and the books on demonic dark magic he kept under his bed.

One night after drinking a bit much at the Lakeshire Inn until a late hour with his friends (who were more of people he hung around near than actual friends), he stumbled home and in his drunken state decided it was a good idea to summon an Imp. After a few false starts he preformed the incantation correctly, and the demon Azyal appeared there in his room. However, Zando was completely unprepared to handle the small demon, who set about hurling fireballs everywhere. The house was soon consumed in fire, but Zando and his parents escaped as the townspeople rallied to put out the fire.

One of the first to the scene was the Warlock Sandahl of Stormwind, who immediately recognized what had caused the damage and banished Azyal back to where the demon came. In the light of the flames of the burning house, Sandahl gave Zando a very stern lecture - right in front of Zando's stunned parents.

Late the next morning, Zando's father woke him in their rented room in the Lakeshire inn. Sandahl had taken Zando's father aside and told him how impressed he was with Zando's potential - most Warlocks require a great deal of training as a Mage first before they manage to summon an imp. He had given him the name of a trainer at Northshire Abbey, and would leave word to expect Zando. Zando's father then told Zando that he always knew his son disliked the family business, and that he knew about the demonic books Zando kept so secret. Zando left that day with his parents blessing.

He took to training like a fish to water. Pemberton even sent a care package to help Zando get started. Though still the quiet sort whose mind is often elsewhere, Zando finally feels like he is doing something in his life.

Zando's parents recovered from the fire and grew to be very proud of their Warlock son. They held a lavish party for Zando when word came from the Dark Portal of his hand in destroying Gruul the Dragonkiller. Zando now has a good relationship with his parents, though they insist he dismisses his demonic minions when he comes into the house.

Zando stays in contact and now has a good relationship with his cousin Pemberton.