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I am Okolorion, although sometimes, (mostly), I use the name Funden, or variations of. You can find most of my characters on the Hyjal realm, A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Paladin named Funden, a IconSmall Human Male.gif Priest Fundin, a IconSmall Human Male.gif Rogue named Kishkumaen, a IconSmall Draenei Male.gif DeathKnight named Fundaen and a IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif DeathKnight named Alnerigo on the Fizzcrank realm. Some of these characters are low level, so they won't turn up on the armory. Most of my characters, except for those on other realms, are in the guild Amicus Alliance. (Note on characters: I "purge" my alts quite a bit, the only really stable ones are my 80 paladin and my 71 and 62 Draenei and Blood Elf Death Knights).

Current RP character description(s)

IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifPaladinOkolorionTalk Contribs 20:59, March 17 2009 2009 (UTC)


IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes paladin.png
This user plays as a dwarf paladin.
Alliance This user plays as a member of the Alliance.
Horde This user plays as a member of the Horde.
IconSmall Orc Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes shaman.png
This user plays as an orc shaman.
IconSmall Draenei Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes deathknight.png
This user plays as a draenei death knight.
Inv misc book 07.png This user has a strong interest in articles on lore.
This user is positive to an Alliance / Horde union!
Dark Portal Active.jpg This user's character has ventured through the Dark Portal!
Spell unused2.png This user prefers to RP.
IconSmall Draenei Male.gif
IconSmall Draenei Female.gif
This user can pronounce draenei.
Xx2 Rx1 Mx1 This user can spell Naxxramas.
Inv misc head dragon black.png This user prefers to PvE.
Spell Shadow RagingScream.png This user roleplays as part of the Burning Legion.
Inv sword 46.png This user plays as a DPS.
Achievement boss edwinvancleef.png This user's character has cleared the original version of the Deadmines.
Spell deathknight classicon.png This user has created a death knight.
Spell DeathKnight ArmyOfTheDead.png This user's character has cleared Stratholme.
INV Offhand Naxxramas 02.png This user's character has cleared Naxxramas in WotLK.
INV Helmet 52.png This user's character has cleared the Scarlet Monastery.
ScourgeCrest.jpg This user roleplays as part of the Scourge.
Scarlet Banner.jpg This user roleplays as part of the Scarlet Crusade.
IconSmall Human Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes priest.png
This user plays as a human priest.
Achievement Boss ArchmageArugal.png This user's character has cleared the original version of Shadowfang Keep.
Spell holy holybolt.png This user prefers Holy Light magic.
Aldor Tabard.jpg This user's character joined the Aldor.


Find me at [[1]]


I mostly RP on the Lore and Roleplaying Forums of Wowhead. These are some of my characters.

Name Class RP(s)/Fanfics Affiliation
IconSmall BloodElf2 Male.gif Alnerigo "Flamehowl" Pyromancer Aftermath; Restoring the World Neutral
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Fundaen Orebeard Fighter Aftermath; Restoring the World Alliance
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Funden Orebeard Death Knight Red Water/The Hungering Cold Scourge
IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif Antharios Sunflame Paladin(Blood Knight) Aftermath; Restoring the World Horde
IconSmall Human Male.gif Kishkumaen Rogue The Killing Games Alliance/Mercenary
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Khaz Fighter Stormcross Alliance
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Thorgrim Fighter/Engineer Stormcross Alliance
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Fjarn Paladin Stormcross Alliance