User:Mortothiar39239/Demious Darkwind

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Demious Darkwind
Image of Demious Darkwind
Race(s) Demon, Night elf, Hybrid
Affiliation(s) Tempus Nocturne, Burning Legion, Alliance
Location Arathi Highlands, Unknown Farm by the sea.
Relative(s) Floppy (Seeing eyedog), Medisou Darkwind(Best friend, possibly alive), Justiphina (Mate), Re'ainu Moonriver (Former Colleague), Neritheron (Former Master), Erlanis (Friend), Fysh Frinovskii (Brother (Honorary Darkwind)), Justius Moonstorm (Daughter)



Demious Moonstorm once was a worshipper of nature and worked alongside it's agents. His other jobs outside wartime consisted of being a coffin maker and a healer. Demious Moonstorm for a long time despised Demon Hunters who followed Illidan's ways. Thinking of them as traitors, eventually he met one and became very great friends. They both traveled together along with a third individual and fought against demons in the shadows. One day, they were ambushed by the Burning Legion at Jaedenar, Demious working strongly to heal his best friend in case he got injured, they were overrun and his demon hunter friend had to flee, but was unable to save Demious. Thinking he was killed by demons, he flew off. Demious was captured and tortured for a long while by Sayaad and other members of the legion, being abused in nearly every way by these savages. They eventually told him the pain will stop if he joins their cause. His will broken he served the legion, during this time he was trained in multiple fields of demonic magic and training, including mending and destroying with fel magic, he was stationed on Xoroth for a good amount of time before he was stationed at Outlands Forge Camp: Wrath. He served as a priest in their rituals as well as scientist underneath the Mo'arg engineers, constantly dissecting newly captured and deceased mortals, sometimes the mortals were alive. From the Nathrezim, Demious gained the arts of mental warfare and possession as well as Necromancy. Demious could only raise those whose internal structure he understood. And from the Shivarra battle clerics he learned the arts of mending with dark magic and empowering others with it. From the Voidwalkers Demious learned to Metamorphosize and become one with the void, essentially gaining the form and powers of Voidwalkers. Demious had learned a great amount of demonic knowledge, this training and exposure to these beasts mutated his body over time. Eventually when the Burning Legion started recruiting Demon Hunters, Demious was slated to join their ranks, before then. Some envious Imps were displeased that a mortal, an ugly one at that got to join such an order, so using dark magic, they twisted his face into a wicked scowl, cursed to permanently scowl for all eternity. Demious did not fight back. As they gouged out his eyes and added orbs of demonic energies to his eye sockets finally putting the demon blood soaked blindfold on him. They were attacked by an independent demon hunter, Demious' old friend. He abducted Demious who didn't react much to his rescue due to mentally being shattered and committing atrocities that'd make any good mortal lose his sanity. His demon hunter friend was followed as a Nathrezim attacked them, Demious did not react as the two fought. The Demon Hunter fell to his knees, the Nathrezim feeling successful tried to possess him, the Demon Hunter with his last vestiges of sanity turned his face to Demious uttering a special enchantment stabbed himself sucking his own soul and the soul of the demon into the dagger to battle for all eternity. Demious regained his sanity in that moment, he looked at the sprawled dead body of his friend, he tried to bring his friend back using necromancy but it didn't work. His friend was beyond help, Demious wept as he lost one of the only friends he ever had. Carving a special casket out of a nearby tree, Demious put his friend in the casket and cast his friend's body off into the nether. Returning to Azeroth during the War against the Lich King he lived as a hermit for most of his time, hearing news from the north and sometimes helping while being unnoticed. When the Second Sundering occured, Demious realized he needed to take more action to save lives and possibly be redeemed in the eyes of Elune. During such services, Demious managed to assist some Gilnean hunters in Silverpine Forest that were fighting off the Forsaken. He eventually won their trust, he became an honorary member of their unit, even given a seeing eye dog who was dubbed as Floppy. Floppy was demanding of attention and used to his owners playing dead so he does the same very often.

Demious is in confusion. He finds he has feelings for a blind Draenei Female known as Justiphina, who loves him, but due to his lack of emotions he cannot understand why she would logically choose him as a mate. Or how she could make him feel anything when his emotions were torn out. He currently protects her, wielding the shadows. To know of where he is and what is happening to him, Justiphina carries a void-rose. Something Demious made for her, once. It has been a source of worry and intrigue for months for her. Demious also sees the danger of letting her be by him, she might die or get hurt. Something she is willing to do.

Chapter 2: The Edict

For a time Demious was controlled by a dark malicious ruler known as Marvik I Krieg, who made him sacrifice people and do many dark deeds. Eventually this man ran into troubles keeping control of the black temple. He planned to fake his death before a prophet from the past known as Wilhelm who had been empowered by a spirit of the titans slew the man and sealed him in the makers' engine in Northrend. From then on, Demious questioned his former master's whereabouts, thinking of the priesthood entering the guild as usurpers, he refused to follow them even trying to withhold the black temple from them. Eventually he and several individuals, Fysh, Aroaran, Roldaven Veradis and Re'ainu Moonriver, surprisingly alive, who had been sealed in the black temple several months earlier talked with another, each disagreeing with the prophet and his caliph Johan, were taken to him and were about to be interrogated before Demious stepped in with demonic magic and magically shackled him and his guards in shadowy chains. He then went off with the 'outcasts' and went to Northrend, Demious began to make a body out of demonic parts hastily and tried to call forth their master's soul into it, before it was destroyed and Marvik I Krieg came out of his sealing in the engine afterwhich Demious feeling a family bond of hardship gave Fysh Frinovskii the honorary title "Darkwind" To honor his dead friend and indicate him as family. Demious then knelt before him, Marvik returning to the temple. Several days later, Marvik called forth Demious to the temple and told him he committed treason for not following the prophet. To which Demious told his ruler that ownership was never formally transferred. Angered his ruler ordered him out of the room, Demious left eventually he was convicted of treason against the Edict by Marvik himself along with Frinovskii and those who followed them. Marvik then tried to control them with dark magics apparently corrupted by the whisperings of the old gods. Demious fought him and his forces in Uldum until eventually the battle was nearly lost. Marvik grinned as he trapped them in a building with an ever burning, unextinguishable magic flame. Demious stood behind using the sheer cold of the higher plane of the nether to keep the fire down while a portal conjured by a death knight known as Queney evacuated the room. Demious was blown back into the portal by the fire being burned nearly to death, eventually he healed and confronted the prophet Johan, who told Demious that he forgave him and that if he constantly questioned orders, he was banished from the Edict. Demious left, one of his former servants, staying within the Edict. After a long while of being free and being with his mate, eventually he chose to visit his parents. Who when they saw his face and present condition ran him out of town with the rest of the Kal'dorei, Demious meeting his 'replacement' as their child before being forced out. The young Min Moonstorm, a young girl only 300 years old. After these days he slept at his house haunted with nightmares of his past, Justiphina his mate trying to comfort him as he suffered these. He eventually felt a peculiar feeling that Medisou still lived. After a month, his brother Fysh Frinovskii attracted him to the basement of the slaughtered lamb and spoke of an order he was creating. Demious resumed this meeting with him after they found a spy in the Stormwind Graveyard. After talking to Belamica and Fysh Frinovskii, the leaders of this operation. He accepted their invitation and was embraced into Tempus Nocturne with open arms, to offer whatever services he can give.

Eventually Demious deemed their goals short sighted and left Tempus Nocturne, forming what would be the Blighted Claw of Caer Darrow, to fight against oppression and gain whatever power needed to fight back the oppressive hand of Stormwind and any other enemies of the claw.

In Combat

Demious has a vast amount of demonic spells and relics to use. Working with magic to enchant items and working on compounds for the legion. As well as his magical vision granted by his eyes being burned out. His weapon of choice is usually Fel Iron Pokers which were enchanted to always stay hot. Usually held on the back of his belt with a special demonic leather. His other arsenals are demonic relics such as demonic skulls, runestones, sacrificial daggers and a Fel Runeblade.

Aside from the items Demious carries, he has Floppy which is trained to kill if necessary to save his owner. Demious himself has claws that let out a paralyzing fel-poison, Demious also has barbs on his arms to help climb walls or block swords. Demious also has increased strength and spell power from fel magic.

Demious has multiple demonic spells learned from the following sources.

Voidwalkers- Blasting enemies with shadows, and absorbing shadows to heal himself and conjure shields of demonic energies. Power to shift into a voidwalker like form and shapeshift his body freely within that form.

Imps- Phase Shift, Fire wands.

Shivarra- Healing magics like flash heal.

Nathrezim- Vampiric magics, the ability to possess people and conjure shadow fiends and necromancy, shackling undead. Diseases and seeing through others eyes. Psychological spells and warfare. Dark frost spells.

Doomguard-Fear spells, Dispel magic, Mana Burn. And multiple curses, silencing others with dark magic. Resistance to fear and shadow magic spells.

Sayaad- Torturing, Mind Control.

Mo'arg- Alchemy and Dissection.


Demious has small black horns sprouting from his forehead, barbs coming out of the blade of his forearms. His face is ugly scarred and misshapen, and his mouth is in a permanent scowl veins poking up glowing green under his purple sickly skin which is scaled in some places. He usually has a black blindfold which hides some puss filled burned eyesockets with green ichor and demonic magic orbs in them. He's usually unhealthily thin a skeleton from a distance if one were to see him, and shows not much expression. His hair glows in the dark, it glows a verdant fel green but not noticeably glowing in normal light, his body completely relying on fel magic to keep him alive.

His Void Form can vary from looking like a steel colossus to a small gnome. What is common is the echo in his voice when he speaks in this state, and the purple smoke and fire that burns around his legs. In his strongest form in his void form he forms shackles subconsciously with an extraordinarily long chain around his wrists, the more cracked the shackles, the stronger his blows become. If they are to be shattered from his wrists he would be unrestrained and likely to kill everything around him before his soul shatters from the stress into the nether, and his body fades into the void.


Demious when he is not completely controlled is a kind wise advice giver and general person who cares for those who serve the forces of good, regardless of him knowing he can never join such a force. Demious helps any way he can. He prefers not to heal or bring someone back from the dead with his dark magics, for it would just make things worse and holds a soft spot for his dog Floppy. When enslaved he is heartless and the act of killing doesn't phase him, he is like a Voidwalker, he obediently obeys his master at times making suggestions. He seems to still harbor a soft spot for Floppy with what will he has left. But takes no delight nor pain in any sinful acts, and will openly kill someone if his master commands it.


Demious like other dark beings are weak against Light. Light users that are quite powerful and is at a disadvantage on holy ground or in highly bright places where no shadows dwell. While vice versa he is stronger in places of great evil or dark. His mortality can also try to be drawn out to stop him from doing dark things. This might not always work. Demious also harbors a weakness to if Floppy was in danger. And whenever Justiphina, his mate is threatened. He responds with no mercy, even with little to no emotion he defends her. He also seems to damage his muscles with giving them above-mortal strength for too long or too often. Which hinders him if he runs low on magic. He is also very magic dependant. He also is incredibly light from malnutrition so easy to knock around, and cannot see inanimate objects unless he is emitting enough of an aura to see around him which is impossible when he dons his doomguard robe. In his void form non-magical items aren't likely to leave any lasting damage, and magic is more efficient to defeat him. A quick flash from light or flashbangs can knock him out of his void form prematurely.


Despite Demious' many flaws, a draenei woman none the less accepts him and chose him as her mate. Her name is lady Justiphina, a priestess of the church of light. She is blind but sees some goodness in Demious. She is gorgeous and pure compared to his disgusting mutated visage. Demious realizes the longer he stays with her, that he's sapping her emotions. Part of him is concerned what he should do.

Additional Information

  • He can change his gender and the sound of his voice in his shadowy metamorphosis form. Even into multiple forms possibly beasts as well. When he reverts he returns to his normal demonic state and gender.

Theme Songs that best describe Demious

Similarities to pre-existing characters

  • Demious harbors similarities to Daredevil, in which he seems to have no fear. As well as blindness and a special type of sight.
  • Demious seems to be similar to Edward Scissorhands. He is the misunderstood monster-looking man. Exiled by most, and considered evil. He harbors bladed fingers as well, and was 'made' into what he was by the Burning Legion. Especially the Nathrezim lord Neritheron.
