User:Mig64/Dragonmaw Prison Break

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Dragonmaw Prison Break
Dragonmaw Fortress.jpg
Location Dragonmaw Fortress, Shadowmoon Valley
Result Victory of the prisoners, complete destruction of the Dragonmaw Prison Building.

Netherwing dragonflight



Commanders and leaders

Netherwing dragonflight



Casualties and losses

Netherwing dragonflight

  • Medium


  • Extremely heavy

The Dragonmaw Prison Break was a riot organized by all those who were imprisoned by the Dragonmaw Clan during the very beginning of the Invasion of Outland.

The Dragonmaw's Scheming

Zuluhed the Whacked had developed a method of making the netherwing drakes easier to tame, this method consisted of taking the newborn dragon whelps and give prisoners for them to fight against, this way they would follow a path of bloodlust and would see the races of the prisoners as enemies -after their constant attempts to kill these whelps-. This way, only the strongest whelps would survive and the Dragonmaw would have the fiercest air force of all Outland. To put his plan into motion, the Dragonmaw began taking prisoners when fighting their enemies...

The capture of...

Brazon Silverstar

The fortress of Legion Hold was invaded by the Dragonmaw Clan, although the invasion was repelled, the stronghold received serious damage and a whole contingent of Sunfury blood elves were taken as prisoners. Among those elves was Brazon Silverstar, who would grow from a mere member of the Sunfury task force to a symbol of leadership to those elves during their time at prison.


As the Dragonmaw at Netherwing Ledge distracted themselves in sending reinforcements to the Illidari invading Legion Hold, the Murkblood miners organized a rebellion for freedom at the Netherwing Mines, the process was led by the Broken Warlock Bagul'ete. However, not even this distraction was able to grant victory to the Broken. The fel orc torturers managed to force most of the miners to give up and abandon Bagul'ete, the Murkblood Rebel Leader and his loyalists were sent to the newly built Dragonmaw Prison Building at request of Zuluhed the Whacked.


Several months later...

Neltharaku of the Netherwing dragonflight was well aware of the failed attempts of the Sunfury and Murkblood prisoners in achieving freedom, he noticed, however, that one group didn't have the support of the other...the rebellions were never unified, each riot was more like a "Free-for-All" brawl than a proper fight for freedom. Thus, the Netherwing Patriarch ordered the drake Horzinaku to disguise himself as a humanoid, be imprisoned by the Dragonmaw orcs, and lead an organized rebellion, so that the Dragonmaw would be weakened and the Netherwing would be able to try to save their brethen from the fel orcs' dire rule.

Horzinaku suceeded in the first half of his mission, disguised as a high elf, he even befriended the leaders of both rival factions that ruled over the prison building, he then began scheming how would the riot work, waiting for the right time to speak about the union between the Broken and the Blood Elves...

Guénon & Gorossauro

Much time later after the three previous captures... Guénon and his pet raptor were captured by a group of Burning Legion demons and were supposed to be sent to the Netherstorm, however, a troop of Illidari assassins ambushed the demons and slaughtered them, taking the duo as their prisoners instead. The troop's leader, Kortoh Stripribs, ordered that the duo was to be sent to the Dragonmaw Prison Building.

The troll spoke to both leaders of the prison -namely Brazon and Bagul'ete-, and attempted to convince the rivals to unite under a single cause, however, the blood elves were allies of the Burning Legion because of Kael'thas, and the Murkblood refused to work alongside the followers of their race's corruptors, thus the blood elves replied the Broken's reaction with equal hostility. In his thoughts, Guénon was surprised to know that he would have to work alongside his enemies, but he accepted it and proceeded with his tries.

The Broken and Blood Elf leaders were so enraged with the Illidari -mainly the Dragonmaw Clan- that they would accept any alliance to achieve freedom, but they still refused to be led by one of their former enemies. Guénon was always a soldier, he never led anything, and wasn't willing to learn it because failures to do so would bring harsh consequences, thus, he didn't even offer himself to lead the rebellion, instead he tried to convince them that both led the charge together. Guénon tried to convince them for weeks, but it was in vain.

Prison Break

Seeing that the troll had no success, the high elf let out a draconic roar to reveal his true identity as the nether drake Horzinaku. Horzinaku offered himself to lead the prisoners in their fight against the orcish marauders, Bagul'ete and Brazon Silverstar accepted, stating that having a powerful draconic beast leading them would assure their victory. Thus, Horzinaku, Guénon and the other prisoners began to make their plans and strategies for the rebellion to come, and after three days of unstoppable scheming, the prisoners began their fight for freedom...

Horzinaku blasted the prison's gates with a massive [Arcane Barrage], once Zuluhed saw the smoke coming from the prison building, he sounded an alarm and the Dragonmaw dragonriders quickly surrounded the prison building from the sky, and a wall of dark shaman surrounded it in the ground, the rest of the Dragonmaw forces were sent to the fortress' exit to prevent them from escaping.

Horzinaku and his companions were frozen upon the very sight of the Dragonmaw forces, seeing that the Dragonmaw had a powerful aerial arsenal, they noticed that the rebel army had only the spellcasters and the nether drake himself as anti-air options. The dragon in elven disguise ordered rebel spellcasters to focus their efforts in the Dragonmaw ground forces for the melee fighters didn't have proper weapons to fight and would need every sort of help, Horzinaku then ordered Bagul'ete and Brazon to work together as equals, the elf shapeshifted into his original draconic form. Brazon and Bagul'ete looked at each other's eyes, this time they were forced to fight together, and they nodded at each other to show that they were accepting it this time.

Using pieces of stone and mining picks as weapons, the prisoners roared in fury and charged against their captors, the Broken attacking the Dragonmaw to the left, and the Blood Elves fighting against the Dragonmaw to the right, and a small contingent of both races fighting against the small numbers of Dragonmaw in the middle alongside Gorossauro. With a beastial roar, Horzinaku prepared to fly, Guénon jumped on the drake's back, saying that he would help the drake in taking down the dragonriders, Horzinaku nodded and the troll-drake duo faced the Dragonmaw Aerial Force alone.

Having to constantly dodge unending waves of arrows and fireballs, Horzinaku raged against his own subjugated brethen, bringing them and their masters down without mercy, Guénon had no weapon -he was disarmed before being captured-, and to equip himself he jumped in the back of one of the enslaved netherwing drakes and defeated the dragonrider using punches and kicks in a similar manner to the troll's ritual dance, stealing the fel orc's bow and making him fall to his death afterwards. The drake that Guénon had assaulted accepted the troll as his new master and joined the fray on Horzinaku's side.

Now equipped with a bow full of fel-enchanted arrows and having two netherwing drakes by his side, Guénon and Horzinaku dominated the Dragonmaw forces in the sky, while shooting a few Dragonmaw heads on the ground.

While the rebels managed to put up a fight in the sky, the prisoners of the ground were having difficulties, terribly undergeared in comparison to their captors, Bagul'ete and Brazon could rely only on the few spellcasters present in the group, inlcuding themselves. Gorossauro was the only one who was being able to bring considerable casualties to the enemy army by using a hit-and-run tactic against them, slicing one of the shamans in the back and subsenquently subjugating another and using him as a meat shield against the other shaman's spells.

Seeing that his allies would soon be exterminated, Horzinaku yelled to the prisoners to take the weapons of the fallen and use them against the enemy, thanks to Gorossauro, the rebels in the ground gained plenty of weapons for all melee fighters, while the ranged ones got the bows from the dead dragonriders brought down by Horzinaku, Guénon and the enslaved nether drake.

After defeating the dragonriders, Horzinaku demolished the prison's building with a barrage of [Arcane Missiles], seeing that the building was no more, Guénon and his Enslaved Netherwing Drake began focusing their attacks on the Dragonmaw dark shaman in the ground.

From that moment on, the Dragonmaw casualties only increased, and after they lost over 65% of the manpower sent to cease the rebellion, Zuluhed sounded the retreat from where he was. Knowing that that retreat wouldn't last for long, Bagul'ete and Brazon ordered their people to equip themselves with the armor of the fallen fel orcs, although unfitting, such equipment would provide greater resistance to the group, the rebels then advanced to the exit of Dragonmaw Fortress, where the rest of the Dragonmaw Clan of the area -dragonriders included- were waiting to annihilate them, the melee prisoners charged against the ground forces while the spellcasters -including Brazon and Bagul'ete- attacked the dragonriders alongside Guénon, Horzinaku and the other nether drake. The prisoners were fighting toe to toe against their captors, neither side managed to get the upper hand. Suddenly, Bagul'ete encased himself in a shell of fel energy, channeling a massive spell, the prisoners then surrounded the Broken Warlock in order to protect him from the Dragonmaw while he finished casting. Four hours later, Bagul'ete finished his channeling and summoned a massive portal to the Twisting Nether, the Broken then used all of his concentration and power to summon and submit a trio of Infernals plus the Doomguard Warlord that led them. Warlord Bison destroyed Bagul'ete's portal with his sword then sent a huge [Doom Bolt] in the middle of the fel orcish forces, knocking them some yards away. Bison then charged against the Dragonmaw while they were disabled, the infernals following the lead by shapeshifting into their meteor forms and hurling themselves against the fel orcs. Now with a powerful distraction keeping the Dragonmaw Clan occupied, the prisoners left the demons behind and finally escaped from Dragonmaw Fortress, retreating to the Magma Fields.

Shortly after the prisoners' retreat, Zuluhed the Whacked then joined the fray, he ordered his men to retreat to the depths of the fortress for he was going to fight the demonic quartet alone. Zuluhed made quick work of the infernals and went into a duel with Bison, the wicked sorcerer dodging all of the incoming slashes and Doom Bolts of the Doomguard, but Bison actually managed to open a huge wound on Zuluhed's chest, bringing him to the ground. Bison was ready to deliver the final blow, as the warlord charged to pierce Zuluhed's skull---

Zuluhed quickly got up and broke Warlord Mashla's sword with a single punch of his fist, his hand was surrounded by an energy aura, the energy drained from the enslaved netherwing drakes, but Bison wasn't afraid...the demon charged once again but suddenly, the aura consumed Zuluhed's whole body and the orc transformed into a massive drakonid, the draconic beast also charged and landed a headbutt on Bison's head and then hit him with an uppercut in the stomach, the last blow hurled the doomguard high in the sky, Bison quickly recovered and widened his wings and flew at high speed against the drakonid while charging a stronger [Doom Bolt], but Zuluhed stood right where he was. Once Bison got near enough of Zuluhed, the drakonid jumped and bit Bison's head, pulling it out afterwards. Zuluhed then threw Bison's head on his corpse, carbonizing it with a [Rain of Fire] afterwards. Zuluhed then reverted to his orcish form, returning to his place to reorganize his men and the fortress as a whole.


After arriving at the Magma Fields, the groups parted ways with each other...

  • Bagul'ete and his Broken went to Nagrand to rejoin their tribe there.
  • The nether drake that joined Guénon in the middle of the battle decided to return to his people, the Netherwing dragonflight.
  • Guénon and Horzinaku prepared themselves for a further attack, this time at the Netherwing Ledge.
  • Zuluhed decided to abandon his project and the prison was never rebuilt, instead, the Dragonmaw created a small camp to raise nether drake whelps.