User:Mig64/Brazon Silverstar

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
NeutralBrazon Silverstar
Image of Brazon Silverstar
Gender Male
Race(s) Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 70
Class Shadow priest
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Sunfury, Kael'thas' forces, Burning Legion
Occupation Leader of the Blood Elven prisoners at Dragonmaw Fortress
Location Somewhere at the Netherstorm, formerly Dragonmaw Fortress Prison Building
Status Deceased

Brazon Silverstar was a blood elf serving the scion of Quel'Thalas, Kael'thas Sunstrider.


Brazon was member of a Sunfury Task Force sent to Legion Hold by Kael'thas shortly after his forces pledged allegiance to the Burning Legion. The task force's leader had a long talk with the main demonic minds of the stronghold, namely Jovaan, Cavrylin, Makazradon, Morgroron and Ripsaw. However, their reunion was interrupted by an Illidari invasion to Legion Hold led by the Dragonmaw Clan, the stronghold was heavily damaged and the Task Force Leader was killed, Brazon and his colleagues being captured as an act of vengeance against Kael's treachery.

During his time at the Dragonmaw Fortress Prison Building, Brazon eventually became the leader of the blood elven prisoners. Also, they met the Murkblood prisoners, an aura of hostility grew among the two races over the time, Brazon became the worst enemy of the Murkblood leader: Bagul'ete.

Brazon led several riots against his captors but all of them failed, the elves alone weren't strong enough.

Much time later, a mysterious high elf arrived in the prison, although Brazon was hostile at the elf at first, the blood elf and his brethen eventually came to tolerate the strange prisoner.

Dragonmaw Prison Break

See: Dragonmaw Prison Break

Led by Horzinaku and with the help of Guénon, Brazon and Bagul'ete united arms against the Dragonmaw Clan. Brazon Silverstar and his colleagues fought with demonic fury. The prisoners were eventually victorious, Brazon and his blood elves parting ways with Horzinaku and the other prisoners afterwards.


Brazon Silverstar and his band returned to Netherstorm, but his freedom was short lived, his group was ambushed and annihilated by mercenaries of the Consortium.