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This article is a player character biography page for Gwenole of Defias Brotherhood Europe created by Luxor.

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No image available
Gender Male
Race(s) Worgen
Level 63
Class Druid
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Alliance, Bloodfang pack, Gilneas Liberation Front
Location Darnassus
Status Alive

Gwenole is worgen (born a Gilnean human) affiliated with the Bloodfang pack and assisting the Gilneas Liberation Front.


Gwenole was born in Stormglen Village, in the kingdom of Gilneas, but moved to Pyrewood Village in the north at young age, where he was bitten and raised as druid by Bloodfang worgen. He assisted the Bloodfang Pack in the assult on Gilneas City, and later defended the kingdom against the undead Forsaken, after which he and the rest of the survivors fled to the night elven city of Darnassus, where he felt terrible for the Gilnean lives he had taken. Studying the arts of Cenarius was one of his few ways of forgetting it. Still not entirelly pleased, Gwenole moved to Dun Morogh, where he joined the Gilneas Liberation Front, that at that point was stationed there, in order to save as many Gilnean lives as that he had taken. He, along with the rest of the Front, currently resides in Gilneas.


Gwenole is gentle and kind, yet shy when having to speak to a crowd. It is rather hard to make him angry, but also to get him excited; he is mostly calm and sober. Although he's young, he's full of wisdom, and already a very skilled druid.


Has yet to be done.