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Race Unknown
Reaction Alliance Horde

These owlkin are not normally hostile to other humanoids. However, the draenei ship Exodar recently crashed nearby, and the radiation from the power crystals of the ship have caused some of the Nestlewood Owlkin to become Mutated Owlkin. The owlkin have also absconded with some of the draenei's spare parts which were scattered about the area (see A [1-10] Spare Parts). Recently, some draenei have been inoculating as many of the unaffected owlkin as they can, hoping to protect the innocent creatures (see A [1-10] Inoculation). Unfortunately, for the Mutated Owlkin it is too late.

Attacks and abilities

  • Basic Melee: Stub.png Minimum Damage - Maximum Damage. (do not forget to add the substracted amount from armor)
  • Example Damage Ability: Stub.png Minimum Damage - Maximum Damage. Spell's School. Debuff text (if it has one). Other Effects.
  • Example Non Damage Ability: Stub.png Spell's School.Debuff Text. Other Effects.


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Reputation (Faction Name): Stub.png Please add reputation gained per kill.

<Mob Name> drops the following notable loot:
Inv sword 36.png [Thrash Blade] Inv sword 16.png [Wingblade]


Objective: Use the [Inoculating Crystal] to inoculate 6 Nestlewood Owlkin.
Objective: Collect 10 [Emitter Spare Parts] from Nestlewood Owlkin.
Objective: Kill 10 Nestlewood Owlkin.

External links