Iselin Mistmoon

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Lore: user:Jeon Moonn/Characters
This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
NeutralIselin Mistmoon
No image available
Title The Hallowed Mistweaver,
Princess of "Realms of Life",
Princess of the Maw,
Merciful Death,
Dark Princess, Lady
Gender Female
Race Unknown (Humanoid)
Class Monk, Healer
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Independent, Alliance (allied)
Former affiliation(s) Mawsworn (forced)
Occupation Mistweaver,
Princess of "Realms of Life"
Former occupation(s) Princess of the "Kingdom of death"
Location Various
Status Active
Relative(s) Unnamed Father,
Unnamed Mother,
Zovaal (Adoptive Father)

“My name is Iselin. I am known to all as the princess of the kingdom of death.”

— Iselin Mistmoon

Iselin Mistmoon (pronounced "I-se-lin"), is commonly known was The Princess of the kingdom of death and current know as The Hallowed Mistweaver.

Iselin is Princess of "Realms of Life" kidnapped at a young age, Iselin was raised as a Princess of the Maw, she become a formidable Mistweaver and became the an excellent ally of the mortals.

She is currently in Azeroth seeking a purpose now that she is free from the chains of maw and intends to help her new allies mortals.

🌘 Iselin's Story 🌒

Princess of "Realms of Life" kidnapped at a young age, Iselin was raised as a Princess of the Maw.

Iselin is not the royal daughter of Zovaal, but the daughter of two people of unknown race of "Realms of Life".

Before the events of Shadowlands, Zovaal killed Iselin's birth parents for power, then took Iselin as his daughter for his own purposes. He pretended to be nice and kind to her before he started abusing and killing her repeatedly so he would be able to make Iselin love him no matter what.

Iselin carried thousands of mortal lives within her, bestowed on her by the "Divinity of Life".

This made her immortal, as she would be resurrected each time she died. His "foster father", Zovaal, who gains more power with every life he leads, saw this as a golden opportunity to strengthen himself. He thus led to killing his daughter repeatedly, eventually causing Iselin to lose her immortality and erasing your memory so that she always obey him without question.


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

“My power and my blade, offers death to those who seek it. To those who wish to live, it offers compassion instead.”

— Iselin speaking with Maw Walker

When the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead weakens, Zovaal orders Iselin to infiltrate the forces of mortals and gain their trust, killing them only when the time is right.

Though reluctant, Iselin follows her father's orders. Secretly escaping her realm and confronting the forces of mortals, she deliberately allows herself to be defeated. After the battle, Iselin is taken prisoner after Maw Walker refuses his request to be killed. As Maw Walker prepares to meet the forces of Oribos, Iselin expresses her desire to fight alongside the Mortals.

However, being the princess of enemy forces, her intentions are put into suspicion. When asked to explain, Iselin refuses to give an answer. Although Bolvar is wary of Iselin, he eventually agrees to her request, on the condition that Iselin be killed the moment she shows any signs of betrayal. Iselin aids the mortals, Knights of the Ebon Blade and the forces of Covenants from other realms of Shadowlands from now on, serving as a guide when the party reaches [[The Maw] ]. All the while, Iselin tries to reason with her father, to no avail, as Zovaal gives Iselin no choice but to obey.

She then learned that The Jailer had allied himself with Sylvanas Windrunner and convinced her that their ultimate goal was to overthrow the unjust system of Life and Death and replace it with one in which everyone had true freedom. Not long after, she discovered that a plot by the nathrezim resulted in the Arbiter falling asleep. All the souls that entered the Shadowlands instead began pouring into the Maw, strengthening the Jailer while the rest of the Shadowlands was isolated and withered for lack of anima. Zovaal's allies - including the Forsworn in Bastion, Kel'Thuzad in Maldraxxus, Mueh'zala in Ardenweald and Sire Denathrius in Revendreth - took advantage of the drought to sow chaos among the most important unlives and the covenants that governed them to prevent them from unifying against the Jailer. In Azeroth, Sylvanas destroyed the Helm of Domination, opening a rift between the mortal world and the Shadowlands, and bringing several leaders of Azeroth into the Jailer's hands; he used the power of Dominate to transform one, the King Anduin Wrynn, into his champion, Iselin reluctant to see all this felt helpless not being able to do anything against "her father".

Although the adventurers of Azeroth - nicknamed the Maw Walkers - entered the Shadowlands and helped strengthen and reunite the Covenants, they were unable to stop the Jailer from obtaining the sigils of the other Eternals, even with the help of his own "daughter", Iselin. With Sylvanas' help, Zovaal attacked Oribos, and claimed the ultimate sigil. Sylvanas turned on him upon realizing her true motives, but he discarded her and used the sigils to escape with Anduin through a portal to Zereth Mortis.

Iselin along with the Maw Walkers pursued him, and after freeing Anduin, Iselin helped build a resistance to Dominate magic, and managed to confront and destroy Zovaal in the heart of the Sepulcher of the First Ones before he could complete his plan to harness Azeroth's life force to undo existence.

After defeating Zovaal, Iselin felt free for the first time and then had her memories slowly returning to her, she had been a prisoner since birth and was stolen from her parents by the jailer, now she was finally free to decide her own path.

Sometime after the defeat of Zovaal, Iselin is approached by Pelagos, now the judge of the Shadowlands, who informs her of the kingdom of the recently dilapidated maw state of the dead in the absence of a leader. Believing that Pelagos is requesting her return, Iselin refuses to assume the throne. They then decide to pass judgment on Sylvanas Windrunner who Tyrande Whisperwind gives sylvanas the penance of remaining in maw until she has freed all the souls that were sent there unjustly and that they be sent to the judge that he may give a fair fate to those souls, Iselin then decided to join the mortals and head to Azeroth in pursuit of her purpose.


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.


A helpless individual, Iselin shows very little emotion and is in constant daze. This is reflected in their sprites, which have very subtle differences in their facial expressions, in addition to their pained expression. Due to the experience of dying and being resurrected over and over again, iselin is often apathetic to the death of others or herself, and goes further, explaining that people suffering from endless illness or pain would consider death a kindness. Still, she finds her "father"'s increasing ruthlessness towards the living unsettling, as she is far more compassionate than he is and vaguely remembers that she used to have a much warmer disposition.

This, along with the fact that she never had any friends while living in maw, and even went entire years without speaking, makes Iselin look for a purpose in her life, and want to do so by making someone other than herself smile to be. and experience the happiness she once had.