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For the official page of the troll language, see Zandali.
This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

A huge thanks to User:Mattalari for giving permission to expand the work of his fanon work of the Zandali fanon dictionary located here: Mattalari's Fanon Zandalari Dictionary

Eternally a work in progress, and far from perfect.

To-do List

  • Literally everything.

Quick Notes

  • Indented & bulleted words are the plural version of the word.
  • Indented & numbered words are spelling variants of the word.


  1. Kaz - Death Icon-RPG.png
  2. Shera - Death (Official)
  3. Zala - Death
  • Curajo - Breaker
  • Da - Parent
  1. Fa'da - Father (Official)
  2. Ma'da - Mother (Official)
  • Eraste - Blood
  • Fastera - Entering
  • Hamaz - Ceremony
  • Jakar - Harbinger
    • Jakaro - Harbingers
  • Kaharu - Friend
    • Kaharul - Friends
  • Karjal - Axe
  • Kah - Totem Icon-RPG.png, Mask (Official)
  • Kal - Offering
  • Karol - Claw
  • Kazar - Attack
    • Kazaro - Attacked
  • Koras - Enemy
    • Korasul - Enemies
  • Lazal - Month
  • Lun - Moon
  • Obu - Middle / Mid
  • Qaharu - Crusher
  • Quatar - Guard
  • Rajo - Night
  • Rako - Tooth
  • Raz - Sun
  • Rokh - Apocalypse, Destroyer (Official)
  • Rukol - Tusk
  • Sharak - Spirit
  • Shesh - Eye
  • Shoru - Loa
  • Takat - Brand
  • Thraze - Blade (Official)
  • Turok - Horn
  • Varuko - Celebration
  • Jura - Storm
    • Jurai - Storms
    • Juracan - Hurricane
  • Wikal - Rules
  • Zaatar - Smash
  • Zalak - Skull
  • Zal - Day
  • Zaugaru - Abode
  • Zeb - Forest (Official)
  • Zin - World (Official)

  • Amaal - Forest
  1. Mashar - Forest
  2. Mazar - Forest
  3. Watha - Forest
  • Drakil - Tundra/Ice
  1. Satar - Tundra/Ice
  2. Varok - Tundra/Ice
  • Gurul - Jungle
  1. Ziata Jungle
  2. Balia - Jungle
  3. Tashi - Jungle
  • Farak - Desert/Sand
  1. Harat - Desert/Sand
  2. Katar - Desert/Sand
  • Zabara - Swamp
  1. Mabwa - Swamp


  • Batal - Suffer
  • Chakura - Cherish
  • Faste - Enter
  • Fekaru - Shall
  • Gal - Have
  • Haran - Store
  • Haboa - Thank
  • Hul - Arrive
  • Irdan - Come
  • Rakaj - Slash
  • Jang - Protect (Official)
  • Jur - Be
  • Kaora - May
  • Qahar - Crush
  • Sang - Deflect (Official)
  • Sul - Lash (Official)
  • Talavar - Accept
  • Turvaka - Welcome
  • Tuvak - Execute (Official, no translation)
  • Zaata - Smash


  • Ai - Ones (Official)
  • Aor - All
  • Aorza - Many
  • Decha - They
  • Jal - We
  • Kalhar- Someone
  • Nazal - This
  • Nezal - That
  • Varo - Who
  • Vazo - You
  • Tulas - Them (Official, no translation)
  • Za - I
  • Zalu - Us
  • Zavo - What
  • Zhalora - These


  • Atal - Devoted (Official)
  • Athaste - Unyielding
  • Kalthraz - Dishonourable
  • Rush - Ceremonial (Official)
  1. Hamazal - Ceremonial


  • Jugar - Here
  • Kazho - Also
  • Kazil - Not
  • Rajo - Tonight
  • Shalir - Else


  • Kal - In
  • Kral - With
  • Osta - For
  • Pat - After
  • Tan- Before
  • Tar - Of
  • Zha - To


  • Arime - Either
  • Daol - Or
  • Asho - And
  • Kial - As
  • Al - The


  • Aora - All
  • Kero - Your
  • Kual - My
  • Ekor - An
  • Hara - Our
  • Tial - Their


  • Lun' - Prefix for the Moon.
  • Rez' - Prefix for the Sun.
  • Teal' - Prefix combining "to" & "the" resulting in "to the"
  • Tual' - Prefix combining "of" & "the" resulting in "of the"
  • Thual' - Prefix combing "of" & "Arrival" resulting in "Arrival/Coming of"
  • Zal' - Prefix for "Weekday", actual translation is "day"
  • Zav' - Prefix for denoting one's body parts.
  • Zen' - "Druid" (Official)
  • Zul' - "Great", "Zul'jin" meaning "Great Leader"


  • 'aka - "Daughter", "Ohgan'aka" means Ohgan's daughter. (Official)
  • 'ako - "Son", "Ohgan'ako" means Ohgan's son
  • 'bu - Middle / Mid.
  • 'fon - "Loner" Icon-RPG.png
  • 'jin - "Chief", "Elder" & "Leader" Icon-RPG.png
  • 'pat - After
  • 'tan - Before
  • 'zufli - "Witch" Icon-RPG.png


  • Due to how Zandali has been used in the past, the words in the "prefixes" and "suffixes" sections aren't exclusive. Words from nouns and pronouns (for example), can still be used as suffixes or prefixes. Difference is, they weren't meant inherently as such.


  • Zal' is the prefix for a weekday.
  • Zal on its own translates to "day".

Universal Zandali Weekdays

  • Zal'Varal - Day of Beasts
  • Zal'Vakoro - Day of the People
  • Zal'Zan - Day of the Ancestors
  • Zal'Hamaz - Day of Ceremonies
  • Zal'Sharak - Day of the Spirits
  • Zal'Shoru - Day of the Loa
  • Zal'Zul - Day of the Empires

Amani (forest troll) Weekdays

Gurubashi (jungle troll) Weekdays

Drakkari (ice troll) Weekdays


  • The empires have different weekday names primarily because of their loa. Similarly to how many names of weekdays in real life are named after gods and deities. Swedish weekdays being named after Norse mythology gods, for example.
  • Most of the empire-oriented days are named after the patron loa of said empire. While there may exist three or more separate rhino loa for the Drakkari, Akali is the one we know of. And thus, the day is named after him. It could also be possible that other rhino loa have "Akal" in their name one way or another. As a way to honour rhinos.
  • Some of the weekdays for the various empires are the same, simply because they're affiliated to the same kind of loa. However, they may not correspond to the exact same day.
  • All trolls share one global name variation for each weekday, these names originating from when the Zandalari were the only troll species on Azeroth.
  • Zal'Zul goes with the naming logic of the Empire of Zul.


Unlike weekdays, months in Zandali are all universal. No empire has its own rendition.

  • Laz' is the prefix for a month.
  • Lazal is the standard word for "month".

Universal Months

  • Laz'rokan - January
  • Laz'roval - February
  • Laz'rozal - Mars
  • Laz'rakul - April
  • Laz'rakar - May
  • Laz'tuzal - June
  • Laz'tuul - July
  • Laz'kalim - August
  • Laz'shazan - September
  • Laz'shakor - October
  • Laz'naram - November
  • Laz'mandar - December

Times of the Day

  • Zal'bu - Midday (12 pm)-(12:00)
  • Har'lun - Midnight (12 am)-(00:00)

  • Zala - Morning (12 am - 12 pm)-(00:00 - 12:00)
  • Zal'pat - Afternoon (12 pm - 6 pm)-(12:00 - 18:00)
  • Thual'rez'pat - Evening (6 pm - 12 am)-(18:00 - 00:00)

  • Rez'daz - Dawn (sunrise ~7 am)-(07:00)
  • Rez'pat - Dusk (sunset ~7 pm)-(19:00)


Directions in Zandali are all universal. No empire has its own rendition.

  • Zalo' is the prefix for a northern location.
  • Raj' is the prefix for a southern location.
  • Tor' is the prefix for an eastern location.
  • Och' is the prefix for a western location.
  • Zalal - North
  • Rajol - South
  • Tor'in - East
  • Och'in - West

Cardinal Numbers


  • Zana - Zero
  • Ras - One
  • Kuas - Two
  • Vazas - Three
  • Takaz - Four
  • Faral - Five
  • Zurol - Six
  • Zavar - Seven
  • Arzal - Eight
  • Ravaz - Nine

Cardinal Tens (10-90)

  • Ralzana - Ten
  • Kuasara - Twenty
  • Vazara - Thirty
  • Takara - Forty
  • Fakara - Fifty
  • Zurara - Sixty
  • Zavara - Seventy
  • Arzara - Eighty
  • Ravara - Ninety

Cardinals (10-19)

  • Ralzana - Ten
  • Ralazana - Eleven
  • Ralakuas - Twelve
  • Ralvaza - Thirteen
  • Raltaka - Fourteen
  • Ralfara - Fifteen
  • Ralzuro - Sixteen
  • Ralzava - Seventeen
  • Ralarza - Eighteen
  • Ralrava - Nineteen

Cardinals (20-29)

  • Kuasara - Twenty
  • Kuasal'ras - Twenty-one
  • Kuasal'kuas - Twenty-two
  • Kuasal'vaz - Twenty-three
  • Kuasal'tuk - Twenty-four
  • Kuasal'tar - Twenty-five
  • Kuasal'zur - Twenty-six
  • Kuasal'zav - Twenty-seven
  • Kuasal'arza - Twenty-eight
  • Kuasal'rava - Twenty-nine

Cardinals (30-39)

  • Vazara - Thirty
  • Vazal'ras - Thirty-one
  • Vazal'kuas - Thirty-two
  • Vazal'vaz - Thirty-three
  • Vazal'tuk - Thirty-four
  • Vazal'tar - Thirty-five
  • Vazal'zur - Thirty-six
  • Vazal'zav - Thirty-seven
  • Vazal'arza - Thirty-eight
  • Vazal'rava - Thirty-nine

Cardinals (40-49)

  • Tukara - Forty
  • Tukal'ras - Forty-one
  • Tukal'kuas - Forty-two
  • Tukal'vaz - Forty-three
  • Tukal'tuk - Forty-four
  • Tukal'tar - Forty-five
  • Tukal'zur - Forty-six
  • Tukal'zav - Forty-seven
  • Tukal'arza - Forty-eight
  • Tukal'rava - Forty-nine

Cardinals (50-59)

  • Takara - Fifty
  • Takal'ras - Fifty-one
  • Takal'kuas - Fifty-two
  • Takal'vaz - Fifty-three
  • Takal'tuk - Fifty-four
  • Takal'tar - Fifty-five
  • Takal'zur - Fifty-six
  • Takal'zav - Fifty-seven
  • Takal'arza - Fifty-eight
  • Takal'rava - Fifty-nine

Cardinals (60-69)

  • Zurara - Sixty
  • Zural'ras - Sixty-one
  • Zural'kuas - Sixty-two
  • Zural'vaz - Sixty-three
  • Zural'tuk - Sixty-four
  • Zural'tar - Sixty-five
  • Zural'zur - Sixty-six
  • Zural'zav - Sixty-seven
  • Zural'arza - Sixty-eight
  • Zural'rava - Sixty-nine

Cardinals (70-79)

  • Zavara - Seventy
  • Zaval'ras - Seventy-one
  • Zaval'kuas - Seventy-two
  • Zaval'vaz - Seventy-three
  • Zaval'tuk - Seventy-four
  • Zaval'tar - Seventy-five
  • Zaval'tur - Seventy-six
  • Zaval'zav - Seventy-seven
  • Zaval'arza - Seventy-eight
  • Zaval'rava - Seventy-nine

Cardinals (80-89)

  • Arzara - Eighty
  • Arzal'ras - Eighty-one
  • Arzal'kuas - Eighty-two
  • Arzal'vaz - Eighty-three
  • Arzal'tuk - Eighty-four
  • Arzal'tar - Eighty-five
  • Arzal'tur - Eighty-six
  • Arzal'zav - Eighty-seven
  • Arzal'arza - Eighty-eight
  • Arzal'rava - Eighty-nine

Cardinals (90-99)

  • Ravara - Ninety
  • Raval'ras - Ninety-one
  • Raval'kuas - Ninety-two
  • Raval'vaz - Ninety-three
  • Raval'tuk - Ninety-four
  • Raval'tar - Ninety-five
  • Raval'tur - Ninety-six
  • Raval'zav - Ninety-seven
  • Raval'ara - Ninety-eight
  • Raval'rava - Ninety-nine

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences.

  • Some sentences will have multiple ways of spelling. An example would be the use of prefixes as well as suffixes to complete a sentence.
  • More examples will be added as more words make it to the list.

  • I cherish the Loa.
  1. Za chakura al Shoru.
  • Death to the enemy!
  1. Kaz zha al koras!
  2. Kaz teal'koras!