User:GoldenYak/Patch X.3 - Rage of the Blood God

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GoldenYak/Patch X.3 - Rage of the Blood God
“Rage of the Blood God”
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Rage of the Blood God is the third patch for the Emerald Dream Expansion Concept.

Patch X.3 - Rage of the Blood God

General Overview

  • Major Zone Change: The Forevergreen. The glorious forested valley has become infested by the Blood Rage, a malicious plague unleashed by Hakkar.
  • New Storyline: Hakkar has returned to menace the Emerald Ream. Hakkar has become more powerful than ever before after corrupting the Nightmare itself with his murderous bloodlust. The wicked deity must be defeated before his power grows too great to overcome, or all the Dream will fall to his conquest and Azeroth itself will not be far behind.
  • New Raid: The Altar of Blood. Confront Hakkar atop his blood-soaked throne.
  • New Azeroth Storyline: The great trees of Azeroth are overflowing with the Nightmare's corruption, causing Nightmare Incursions to break out on Azeroth itself! The heroes must defend their homelands from this new offensive by the Nightmare!

The Story So Far...

During the campaign to preserve the Forevergreen, the heroes of Azeroth witnessed as the Blood God Hakkar was consumed by the corruption of the Nightmare, which swallowed his fortress, the Altar of Blood. Since that time, the Altar has remained mired in the toxic miasma of the Nightmare, inviolate, the fate of Hakkar and his forces unknown. Only recently has the darkness of the Nightmare receded, revealing the hideous truth.

Hakkar lives, and has been changed by the power of the Nightmare. Hideous and bloated with terrifying dark power, Hakkar is more powerful than ever, and has taken the power of the Nightmare for himself. Merging the power of the Nightmare with his own tainted blood, Hakkar has created a terrible new power, the Blood Rage, a magical plague that infests the bodies and minds of its victims and drives them to bloodthirsty acts of violence. Hakkar now seeks to infect every living thing in the Emerald Dream with his Blood Rage, turning the soul of Azeroth into a festering cauldron of madness and fury.

Hakkar is not alone. The Gurubashi Loa that sought to topple the Blood God have become infected with his new plague, and now serve him as twisted reflections of their former selves. The Dreamsingers, protectors of the Forevergreen and once proud servants of the Loa, call upon the heroes of Azeroth to come to their aid once again. They are the last hope of saving the Dream from the rage of the Blood God.

New Creatures

  • Bloodborn Reptizar - The reptizar are a race born of Hakkar's own tainted blood, and intimately tied to their creator deity. Hakkar's evolution has also seen his creations change into even more vicious and terrible forms.
  • Karybdis - Reptilian horrors wrought in Hakkar's image, they are the blood-hungry demi-god children of the Soulflayer.
  • Warsoul - Spectral incarnations of the Blood Rage. Their very presence threatens to overwhelm mortal minds and transform them into battle-mad berserkers.