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Map nachitar.png
Location The Voidlands

Related to the Into the Void Expansion Concept

Nachitar is a zone located in the northern Voidlands. Formerly a mountainous world of beautiful golden forests and striking darkstone peaks, the presence of the Burning Legion threatens to finally destroy it.


The Golden World

Nachitar was a bountiful world, strong with the elements of life and earth. Great rolling plains and dense forests of golden trees covered the black stone and soil beneath a shining golden sun. The elements were in harmony on Nachitar, and an abundance of lifeforms developed and spread across its surface. While its natural energies gave rise to many creatures, no sentient mortal races ever developed - the only intelligent beings on Nachitar were elementals and animal spirits. The most powerful of the world's spirits were Stratagor, the Lord of Earth, and Auriallis, the Golden One, the spirit of the world's forests. The two beings shared a strong bond with one-another, and as a result Nachitar's natural balance was maintained in perfect harmony.

Drowned in Darkness

The naaru discovered the world of Nachitar long ago in their travels throughout the universe, and many enjoyed basking in the world's beauty and communing with the peaceful elements there. Many a naaru who had faced the blackest evils on some distant battlefield found the tranquility of Nachitar to be a soothing balm to their troubled spirits. Stratagor would listen gravely to the tales of wars against demons and dark entities on other worlds, sharing with them stalwart strength. Auriallis would sing to them, taking away their woes.

Tragically, there was one naaru whom neither elemental could comfort - a naaru who had seen something so terrible, it had been struck to its very core with despair. Desperately it came to Nachitar, seeking solace for the growing darkness within itself, but neither the strength of Stratagor nor the love of Auriallis could bring it back to the light. With a thunderclap that shook the world, the naaru collapsed in on itself, becoming Void and spilling out darkness across the surface of Nachitar. Auriallis cried out in fear as the darkness rolled over her, drawing her into it. Her golden forests shuddered as their mother-spirit was lost. Stratagor bellowed in fury and sorrow, the ground heaving in sympathy with their lord and father.

Standing Against the Tide

The Void rolled out across Nachitar, and the world cracked and broke as the darkness devoured it. Stratagor sank down in misery - having lost everything, he prepared to embrace oblivion. But the last grove of golden trees that surrounded him began to shine, and Auriallis' voice emanated from them - some fragment of her essence remained, echoing among the trees she had tended. The song held back the devouring darkness of the Void, preserving one last island of light in an infinite ocean of blackness.

Buoyed by the echo of Auriallis, Stratagor forged outwards beyond her golden grove, his every footfall awakening the stone beneath him. Mountains rose and canyons closed, earth elementals and giants took shape and followed their father, herding the earth and stone along as they marched. The stone of Nachitar, brimming with the strength of Stratagor and the elemental power of earth, drove the Void back, until at last the worldshard of Nachitar remained, the last fragment of the world preserved in the depths of the Void.

For centuries, Stratagor has preserved Nachitar, directing the energies of earth throughout the worldshard to hold back the Void. As best they can, his earth elemental children have protected and tended the last golden grove, slowly coaxing more trees to grow and flourish, hoping perhaps that one day the golden forest might bring lost Auriallis back to them.

The Despoilers Come

Shortly after the Void began to shift and Nachitar was joined to other worldshards, Stratagor beheld a terrible sight - tumbling out of the dark sky was an immense, horrible creature made of flesh and blood, born of the Void. The great beast crashed into Nachitar's northern mountains like a mountain itself, its impact lodging it deep in the earth and stone. Stratagor marched to investigate the strange intruder, only to find its huge body broken and lifeless, bleeding out a horrible black ooze that turned to metal when it touched the stone of Nachitar. Sensing the lingering corruption and foulness in the thing, Stratagor called upon his powers to entombed the beast's corpse in enchanted stone, sealing it away from the rest of Nachitar.

Wearied by the effort, Stratagor sank down into the embrace of earth and stone himself, slumbering to regain his strength. Unbeknownst to him while he slept, more invaders came to Nachitar - portals to the Twisting Nether opened across the northern mountains, disgorging bands of demonic monsters that served the Burning Legion. Led by the nathrezim, these demons had sensed the power in the worldshard, and coveted it. The nathrezim sent their slave-laborers to tear apart the mountains, harvesting the Void-saturated minerals to fuel the Legion's war efforts throughout the cosmos, all the while seeking the great darkness that Stratagor had sealed away. Soon the demons began to spread across all of Nachitar, despoiling black hill and golden forest alike, and making their way to other worldshards in the Voidlands beyond.


Nachitar is a striking world, with great mountains of dark black stone, and rolling hills of golden trees. Much of the world has been devoured by the Void, and its dark mountains are crumbling into oblivion to the north and west, while fragments of other broken worlds crash into the region like falling mountains. To the south-west, the land is marked with the wreckage of an immense fallen craft, a technologicall advanced vessel that somehow became caught in the Void and crashed into Nachitar. The mechanical inhabitants of the craft have spilled out into the region and have rebuilt the broken fragments of the craft into makeshift settlements.

In the far northern region, a massive Dark Portal yawns open, spilling out fel corruption from the Twisting Nether. Beyond lies the demon world of Xoroth, where the nathrezim holds sway. The dreadlords have commanded an invasion into Nachitar, overseeing mo'arg and gan'arg slave-demons in mining operations to harvest the Void-saturated stone for the construction of powerful Infernals. Legion-made foundries and industry are beginning to take hold, as demonic quarries devour the land even faster than the Void.


Instance portal purple.png - The Wreck - An immense technologically advanced craft that has crashed into the hills of western Nachitar. Mechanical constructs have spilled forth from the vessel and have been warring amongst themselves ceaselessly. Ethereal agents warn that the vessel could soon explode if it is not shut down, dealing untold devastation to the Voidlands. But the machines within are hiding a deadly secret.

Level Range Group Size Approximate Run Time
100+ 5 25 - 30 min

Instance portal purple.png - The Burning Quarry - The fiery grip of the Burning Legion has taken hold in the blasted wilds of Nachitar. The Legion covets the vast deposits of void-saturated minerals in the region, material that they use to craft powerful Infernals for their eternal crusade against the universe. All the Voidlands are but resources for the Legion to exploit and destroy - halting their efforts in the Burning Quarry would be a blow against the demon army.

Level Range Group Size Approximate Run Time
100+ 5 30 - 45 min

Instance portal green.png - The Dreadlords Citadel - Through the Dark Portal in Nachitar lies Xoroth, a world in the grip of the Burning Legion and ruled by the sinister Dreadlords. The Dreadlord's leader, Mephistroth, rules his evil kin from his throne in the heart of this fiery stronghold. Destroying Mephistroth would strike a grievous blow against the Legion's most diabolical servants, and might serve to finally drive them completely from the Voidlands.

Level Range Group Size Approximate Run Time
100+ 10-25 2 - 3 hours


The Shadow of Dread

After driving the demonic tothrezim from the Netherglades, the heroes of Azeroth track the demons to the worldshard of Nachitar. A land of black stone mountains and golden forests, Nachitar's natural beauty is starting to be devoured by the Void. Matters are growing worse with the presence of the Burning Legion - ethereal scouts reveal that the demons are harvesting the stone of northern Nachitar due to its high concentrations of void energy. This voidstone can be used to craft powerful Infernals, mightier than those sculpted of netherstone, for use by the Legion. While the forces of the Void are of primary concern, the possibility of disrupting a Legion supply-line is an opportunity that the Alliance and the Horde cannot pass up.

Urahema, Noctarch of Machines

The Void presence in Nachitar is commanded by Urahema, the Voidtouched ethereal Noctarch of Machines. Urahema uses technology to further the cause of the Void, and has built numerous Void Augers based on the design of the original machine created by Ahriman. These great mechanical engines drill into the aether, drawing in Void energies and spawning numerous Void entities. If the Void Augers are not deactivated, Nachitar will be engulfed in a tide of darkness.

Destroying Urahema's machines only serves to incite her ire - determined to exact revenge, Urahema turns her attentions to the mechanical wreckage scattered throughout Nachitar. The remnants of a colossal technologically advanced craft that crashed into the Voidlands, the machinery of the mysterious vessel becomes a powerful lure for the Noctarch, who intends to use it to enhance her own creations.

Lord of Stone

Nachitar is a realm rich in the elemental energies of earth - its crust is rich in minerals and creatures of living stone manifest freely. The strong radiant energy of earth holds back the devouring hunger of the Void. It is this very aspect of the worldshard that has made it such a tempting target to the Burning Legion - the stone of Nachitar drinks in the energy of the Void and holds it, giving rise to a substance called voidstone. The demons rip apart the worldshard to harvest voidstone, upsetting the already delicate elemental imbalance of the realm. Earth elementals and giants of stone rise and rampage, driven to frenzy by the despoiling of their home. In calming the elemental spirits and end the ravages of the Legion, the Alliance and the Horde discover that the elemental lord of stone, Stratagor, slumbers in the mountains that are beset by demons, who threaten to burrow into his very body. Adventurers break up the mining operation, only to discover that the nathrezim are the overseers of the Legion in Nachitar. The dreadlord troika of Varimathras, Detheroc, and Balnazzar confront the adventurers, only to be driven off with the awakening of Stratagor. Outraged by the demons actions, Stratagor rallies the entire elemental population of Nachitar and leads them in an onslaught on the Legion holdings to the north. Stratagor leads the adventurers to the Burning Quarry, the Legion's largest operation, with the intent of slaughtering every demon within.

The Mekkanoi

When the Wreck crashed into Nachitar, its mechanical inhabitants emerged and began to explore their strange new environment. Autonomous and sentient, these constructs soon split into two factions - the Autons, who sought to repair their vessel and return to their makers beyond the Void, and the Omeganauts, who desire to convert their ship into a weapon of war and conquer. The two factions have fought ceaselessly ever since. Unfortunately, the Omeganauts are winning, tearing down the Autons and rebuilding them as more Omeganauts. The Omeganauts have even seize the Wreck, and their attempts to transform it into a weapon have rendered its power source unstable. To preserve the Voidlands, the Autons need help. Matters grow worse when Urahema returns and begins enhancing the Omeganauts with Void energy.

Chaos at the Xoroth Gate

Chaos has erupted to the north, where the Burning Legion battles against both the stone armies of Stratagor and the invading forces of the Void. Demonic magi ensorcell both entities, turning them against each other. Tipping the balance in favour of the stone legions, the Alliance and the Horde are able to drive the Legion back into Xoroth. An opportunity now presents itself - a way into the heart of a Legion stronghold now lies in the hands of the champions of Azeroth. If the demons could be destroyed in their own realm within the Twisting Nether, it would mean that lasting casualties could at last be inflicted on the Legion. But do any souls dare set foot on a world in the thrall of the Dreadlords?

Blood of the Beast

While clearing the northern regions of Nachitar of lingering demonic presence, adventurers discover a large demon quarry that has descended into chaos. Demons war against one-another, slaying their fellows like feral beasts, while a dark and dreadful power radiates from the depths. Stratagor explains that shortly after Nachitar was swallowed by the Void, a strange and terrible creature fell out of the sky and crashed into the land. Stratagor investigated and found an immense thing of twisted flesh and broken limbs lying dead in the earth, buried by the force of its impact. Its body wept black blood that became metal, and spread a terrible corruption. Stratagor entombed the immense carcass in enchanted stone to protect the rest of Nachitar from its corruption, but traces of its black blood stained the land beyond Stratagor's ability to purify them. The demons have mined the area of the blood, and in doing so came under the influence of the corruption. While the infestation in the area is ultimately wiped out, the Alliance and the Horde can only wonder how much of the dark metal was taken by the demons already, and what they plan to do with it. Stratagor also warns that if the demons are not stopped, it is only a matter of time before they discover the tomb of the great beast and unleash its lingering evil upon Nachitar.


  • Source of the Fel - Follow the traces of fel corruption from the Netherglades to the worldshard of Nachitar, and stop the demons responsible.
  • Engines of the Void - Deactivate the Void Augers to spare Nachitar from a full-on Void incursion.
  • Again with the Legion - The Burning Legion has invaded Nachitar, stripping the worldshard of its resources to fuel their Burning Crusade. Put an end to their mining operations.
  • Lord of Stone - Awaken the elemental lord of earth, Stratagor, and enlist his aid against the demons invading Nachitar.
  • More than Meets the Eye - A mysterious craft that has crashed in Nachitar has released two armies of mechanical constructs. Determine which are friend and which are foe.
  • Shadow of the Old Gods - Something is rotten beneath the surface of Nachitar. A long dead evil has been unearthed, but by who, and for what dark purpose?
