User:GoldenYak/The Wreck

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The Wreck
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The Wreck
Location The Wreck, the Nachitar
End boss Omegatronus
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 100+
Player limit 5

The Wreck is a technologically advanced vessel constructed by an unknown race that crashed into the Voidlands. The automaton inhabitants of the vessel have split into two factions, and are warring ceaselessly with one-another. The power source of the vessel is growing unstable and could explode, devastating the worldshard of Nachitar and possibly the rest of the Voidlands as well.

Dungeon Journal

An immense technologically advanced craft that has crashed into the canyons of Nachitar. Mechanical constructs have spilled forth from the vessel and have been warring amongst themselves ceaselessly. Ethereal agents warn that the vessel could soon explode if it is not shut down, dealing untold devastation to the Voidlands. But the machines within are hiding a deadly secret.


The ancient craft was created by a long lost race, the same one who created all of the mekkanoi - both the Autons and the Omeganauts. While the Autons were built to serve and protect, the Omeganauts were built as instruments of war. When the Void reached out to engulf the ancient homeworld of the builders, they fled in their great ships, but the ship that would become the Wreck was not able to escape, and was pulled into the Void. Within the Void, the ship's crew and their mechanical servitors beheld a terrible sight - the darkness outside their tiny vessel seethed and churned like a maelstrom. Enormous tentacles and wailing mouths larger than mountains rose out of the dark, wildy thrashing and striking themselves. The mekkanoi discerned that within the darkness, some colossal Void-born beast fought and raged, and its effort schurned the Void around them, tossing the vessel wildly across the dark realm to ultimately crash into Nachitar. None of the builders survived, and in death they left the mekkanoi to fend for themselves.

The Autons sought to explore the world beyond their fallen vessel and make contact with other beings, while the Omeganauts wished to conquer other living beings, seeing them all as inferior forms of life like their fallen builders. The Omeganauts began to dismantle the Autons and rebuild them into more of their kind, and have finally seized the entirety of the Wreck with their superior numbers. The leader of the Omeganauts, the construct called Omegatronus, plans to transform the ship into an instrument of war and conquest, but the deranged construct has only rendered the craft's technological power source unstable, and now it threatens to detonate, devastating Nachitar and the Voidlands beyond.

Storyline and Encounters

Adventurers are joined by the Autons as they infiltrate the Wreck, seeking out its central power source in order to stop the Omeganauts and their mad leader.

Warbringer Shokkonok

  • Warbringer Shokkonok yells: Omeganauts: superior. Organic things: inferior.

An Omeganaut construct, this mechanical fiend bristles with all manner of devastating weaponry. Shokkonok has served as the second-in-command of Omegatronus, but secretly longs to betray and replace his cruel master. He lacks the brain-power to carry out his betrayal, however, and will take his frustrations out of the adventurers. With plasma-cannons.

Scabbreck Swindlegaz, Blastwreck Syndicate

  • Scabbreck Swindlegaz yells: Paydirt, baby! Just gotta get rid of these pesky witnesses!

The Blaskwreck Syndicate is an ambitious new goblin organization, devoted to discovering the strange, new technologies of other worlds... and exploiting them. Having struck a deal with the unscrupulous ethereal Malev, Scabbreck Swindlegaz has been promised salvage rights on the Wreck, as long as he can remove any unwanted intruders. Unfortunately, the adventurers fit the bill.

Infiltrator Malev

  • Infiltrator Malev yells: Under other circumstances, I might be willing to make some kind of bargain. The potential profit is, alas, too great for me to tolerate sharing.

An ethereal trader and thief, Malev operates outside the authority of any particular nexus. Intending to profit from the exploitation of the advanced technology found within the Wreck, Malev was able to bring a small army of mercenaries and followers with him when infiltrating the great ship. The presence of the adventurers is an unwanted complication. There's no telling the damage that Malev could do if he made the weapons and technology of the Wreck widely available to all, but he will not back down without a fight.

The Core

Within the central power core of the vessel, the Epislon leader Autonamus Primax battles the Omeganaut leader, Omegatronus. The adventurers arrive just as Primax manages to drive Omegatronus back, exposing the ship's core. The adventurers begin the shut-down sequence, leading to a hold-out battle against waves of Omeganaut forces. As the core shuts-down, Primax gains the upper hand against Omegatronus and is able to defeat him.

  • Autonimus Primax yells: Omegatronus! One shall stand, one shall fall!
  • Omegatronus yells: Primax! I will crush you with my bare hands!

With Omegatronus destroyed, the Autons are able to deactivate their ship's power supply. It is revealed that the core of the ship contains an ancient artifact of seemingly Titan origin called a Monad of Authority. The mekkanoi reveal that the artifact was discovered within their world long ago, and their builders deciphered the knowledge within it and learned how to bring constructs to life. Before the artifact can be secured however, the adventurers and the Autons are suddenly seized by a dark energy and bound in place. Urahema, the Noctarc of Machines, appears and captures the Monad of Authority for herself. She then infuses a vast amount of Void energy into the broken form of Omegatronus, reviving him.


  • Omegatronus yells: Crush you all! With my bare hands!

Leader of the Omeganauts, this great engine of metal and hate has conquered the Wreck and intended to unleash its power upon the Voidlands, destroying everything and paving the way for an empire of mechanical constructs to rise and conquer. With the power of the Void coursing through him, Omegatronus is deadlier than ever. The adventurers join forces with the Auton leader Autonamus Primax in order to defeat him.

Though Omegatronus is destroyed for good, Urahema has escaped with the Monad of Authority. The Autons fear that the Voidtouched ethereal will be able to use it to create a new deadly race of Void-powered machines.

  • Autonimus Primax says: I still function. The ethereal escaped with the Monad of Authority. I dread the evil she may unleash with it. Sapients, you have shown great heroism and perseverance in the face of terrible dangers, for the sake of all lifeforms. We will not forget what you have done. Autons wage our battle to destroy the evil forces of the Omeganauts, but we hope that one day all of our people can stand united for the sake of peace. Until that day... when all are one.