User:GoldenYak/Burning Quarry

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The Burning Quarry
Gyak itv splash.png
The Wreck
Location The Burning Quarry, the Nachitar
End boss Balekost the Slave-Maker
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 100+
Player limit 5

The Burning Quarry is a massive voidstone harvesting operation run by the Burning Legion in Nachitar.

Dungeon Journal

The fiery grip of the Burning Legion has taken hold in the blasted wilds of Nachitar. The Legion covets the vast deposits of void-saturated minerals in the region, material that they use to craft powerful Infernals for their eternal crusade against the universe. All the Voidlands are but resources for the Legion to exploit and destroy - halting their efforts in the Burning Quarry would be a blow against the demon army.


The dreadlords of the Burning Legion have fumed at their numerous defeats recently, all seeming to stem from the world of Azeroth. With the Legion having suffered grievous losses from their failed assaults on that cursed world, the nathrezim have turned to scheming and plotting as they never have before. Azeroth will not be taken with the brute overwhelming force the Legion has employed in this past - instead, it will require cunning, guile, and innovation to destroy that hated world.

The nathrezim have sent their agents out into the cosmos, seeking ways to improve the Legion's war machine. Their demonic scout-slaves discovered the Voidlands, former worlds floating precariously in the heart of the Void, a realm of darkness where even demons fear to tread. Seeking to exploit the power of the Void, the nathrezim sent their servants - tothrezim crafters and vethrezim warriors - to explore the realm of Nachitar, planning to harvest the Void-energy rich mineral wealth of the worldshard and develop it into weapons for the Legion. Their largest mining operation, the Burning Quarry, is the focus of the bulk of their efforts. The minerals harvested from this quarry will be made into deadly new demonic machines and towering Infernal constructs - disrupting the operations would deal a vital blow to the Burning Legion's capacity to wage war.

Storyline and Encounters

The adventurers infiltrate the demonic quarry under cover of an attack by Stratagor and his earth elementals on the Legion's forces. The adventurers goal is to slay the dreadlord quarry-master, sending the Legion's forces into disarray and ultimately driving them from Nachitar.

Overseer Skollos

  • Overseer Skollos yells: I will tear the eyes from your head and send you to work in the deepest mines!

One of the blood-thirsty vethrezim. Skollos is cruel even by the standards of his vile race, and he has only had the gan'arg slaves to torment since being sent to oversee the Legion mining efforts in Nachitar. He is eager to turn his monstrous painspear upon mortal victims.

Infernal Crafter Voggrim

  • Infernal Crafter Voggrim yells: No, you will not interfere with my work! My genius will be recognized!

The tothrezim are the demonic artisans of the nathrezim race, and Voggrim is a prime example of his evil kind. All of his twisted demonic genius has been bent towards the creation of powerful new weapons for the Legion's arsenal.


  • Infernal Crafter Voggrim yells: My... my genius... awaken, my creation... destroy these mortals...!

A dreadful voidstone Infernal. Crafted by Voggrim, this colossal fiend has had its stone body reinforced with the Void-energy infused minerals of Nachitar. If this creature is an example of what manner of Infernals the tothrezim can craft using voidstone, it is more vital than ever that the Legion be driven from the Voidlands.

Balekost the Slave-Maker

  • Balekost yells: You have made a terrible enemy, mortals! None may defy the nathrezim and live!

The nathrezim overlord of the Burning Quarry. Balekost serves the nathrezim master Mephistroth, and has brought ruin and misery to manner worlds while in the service of the Burning Legion. So cruel and sadistic is he that the hordes of slaves at his command would gladly die in battle against the adventurers, than risk disappointing their master and earning an eternity of torment and suffering.

With Balekost's defeat, the quarry is taken by Stratagor and his earth elementals. This victory represents the Legion's defeat in Nachitar. Towering over the quarry is the great demonic portal to Xoroth, the nathrezim's current base of operations in the Twisting Nether. Despite the victory in Nachitar, the presence of the Xoroth Gate is a sobering reminder that the demons could return at any time.

  • Stratagor says: This Void-shrouded realm is far from the Nether where the demons dwell. Their souls will recuperate there, and forge new flesh for themselves. They will return in time. If they could be slain within their vile realm, the tide of demons could be stemmed. But to venture into the very nest of these vermin... it will require a great force, and time to prepare. I can only hope that it is time we have...