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Hello, I'm Widdlywah, from Korgath-US.

Zone Ratings

These are my biased, opinionated, and personal ratings of each zone. I consider such factors as quest creativity, lore integration, and overall enjoyment of the zone.

Eastern Kingdoms

Zone Rating Highlights & Notes
Dun Morogh 16Goldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.png
Loch Modan 16Goldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.png
Wetlands 16Goldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.png
Arathi Highlands 15Goldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngHalfstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.png
Hinterlands 14Goldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.png Not an inspirational zone except for the presence of the Wildhammer Clan.
Western Plaguelands 18Goldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.png
Eastern Plaguelands 20Goldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.png

Simply an amazing zone with so much lore.

The Badlands 18Goldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.png

For only ~40 zone quests, there is a lot of fun here. However, there should have been more goblin quests, especially in the coastal port of Fuselight-by-the-Sea. There are so many gadgets, bombs, and named NPCs that the goblin port feels unfinished. Lastly, where is the Uldaman love? Maybe I missed it.

Searing Gorge 17Goldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngHalfstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.png

I have an affinity for anything related to the Dark Iron, Blackrock Mountain, and Ragnaros which is probably inflating this rating. The zone is too grindy for my tastes, but is still enjoyable.

Burning Steppes 18Goldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.png I like how the entire zone is one long story driven quest to take down the "big three" leaders ( Neeralak, Thorg'izog, Xi'lun ) of the Blackrock Clan in Burning Steppes.

Also, the usage of disguises in three parts of the zones is pretty neat.

Lastly, the free pet,  [Tiny Flamefly] from A [15-30] SEVEN! YUP!.

The Blasted Lands 17Goldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngHalfstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.png

Blizzard did a wonderful job of making this zone fun. I think the interaction between the Horde and the Alliance is weak though.

Swamp of Sorrows 16Goldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngGoldstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.pngSilverstarsm.png

The zone isn't boring, but nothing inspirational.