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AllianceEsrae Amas
No image available
Title <Seeker of the Calm Storms>
Race Draenei
Level 70
Affiliation(s) Shattered Sun Offensive
Occupation Shaman, Elixir Master, Herbalist
Location Winterspring

Esrae Amas is a Draenei

Age: Not spoken of.
Birthplace: Zangarmarsh
Religious Affiliation: Elune

Birth to Adolescence

Esrae was born while her family traveled through Zangarmarsh, in a rather unforgiving fashion. During a time of little provisions and fewer luxuries the baby Esrae was born, without a single cry. Her mother, however, shortly died of complications, leaving the young child with only her father as family.

She was cared for as well as her father could provide, often watched by other women with children while her father did his duties as a Vindicator. Being surrounded by what could be considered poverty (since her small group of Draenei refused to settle in any of the cities) Esrae learned to be humble and make do with very little. And even then learned mostly to try and live off of the lands around her, learning how to pick herbs and make useful things from them even as a small child.

((to be continued))