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This article is a player character biography page for Delphine of Moon Guard US

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Delphine Walloscott, known sometimes simply as "Del", is a merchant trader and tailor based out of the Stormwind area, and is the current owner of Walloscott Cloth and Leathers. A well known and highly regarded traveling merchant with connections all across the Eastern Kingdoms, from the southern tip of Stranglethorn, to the refuge camps of the Arathi Highlands, Delphine has continued her family's business in the trade of high quality cloth and leathers, and has personally seen to expanding their reach and customer base. She can often be found traveling across the Eastern Kingdoms by road and by sea.

Delphine Walloscott
Faction Alliance
Gender Female
Race Human
Class Merchant
Professions Tailoring, Leatherworking, Merchant
Realm Moon Guard

Appearance and Description

Standing around 5'6" with lighter, tanned skin, Delphine is a human who draws her family lineage to back to the early settlers of the Kingdom of Stormwind. She's most often seen wearing plain cloth wares and, on rarer occasions, thin leathers best suited for traveling.


Soon to be added.


Born to a small family in Elwynn Forest just after the onset of the First War, she and her parents fled the advances of the Orcish Horde, and found refuge in Kul Tiras, where they weathered the duration of the conflict. It was there, in the most advanced seafaring nation of humanity, that Delphine began to follow in her parents' footsteps of working cloth and thread; she began by assisting her parents in tailoring and mending sails for the Alliance war fleets, and also honed the skill sets necessary to tend to leather and mail armor.

As the war neared its end, however, she was taken under the wing of a traveling merchant of some renown and wealth, who arranged a deal with her parents to take her from Kul'tiras, and teach her the finer points of the mercantile industry. With him, she traveled all across the Eastern Kingdoms, learning of more complex trades and economic patterns and practices, as well as language; she’s fluent in Dwarven and Thalassian, as a result. Having served as an apprentice of sorts to the man, eventually she was well learned enough to graduate, and returned to her parents who had since traveled to Stormwind to help with the process of rebuilding.

There, she worked to expand her family's business outside of Elwynn, eventually making connections for them from the Bay in Stranglethorn, all the way to the towns and settlements of the Highlands in the north. As her parents have since passed away, running the family business has now fallen to her and her younger sister, Edel.

She can be frequently found in Stormwind, but is also known to travel all across the Eastern Kingdoms.

Aims and Ambitions

  • Continue the expansion and operation of her family's mercantile business.
  • Establish new connections to facilitate new trading opportunities across seas.


  • Delphine and her sister, Eda, are the only two surviving children of their parents, the founders of Walloscott Cloth and Leathers.

Public Knowledge and Rumors

  • Rumored to have connections to notorious privateering companies for the purpose of tailoring and mending ship sails and armor.
  • Rumored to have once been engaged to a wealthy Kul'tiran merchant.
  • Frequents harbor brawler nights, and even occasionally visits the Brawler's Guild itself.
  • Regularly seen in Stormwind when not traveling north or south for business.
  • Owns and operates the Walloscott Cloth and Leathers shop in the Old Town of Stormwind.
  • Can be contracted to supply cloth and leather gear for characters, companies, and guilds.

External links

Armory Page Delphine in the Armory.