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This article is a player character biography page

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Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
Highpriest Horde Kargath IconSmall Undead Male.gif Priest Priest 36 None

Rank 4

Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank

Killed by Lord Chaos, he was raised from the dead and joined the Forsaken. He is a Shadow Spec Priest


Highpriest as he appears in World of Warcraft

Name: Kram Highpriest

Race: Undead

Class: Priest

Age: Unknown

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 120 lbs.

Faction: Horde


Kram lived as a High Priest in the town Greensalve with his daughter Amberlin. When his daughter was 10 years old, the town was under constant attack from Horde Renegades. The paladins Donmy Goldensun and Rion were sent to help. However, before they could arrive, Amberlin was captured by the orcs. When the paladins arrived, Kram asked them to free her. The two paladins and thier army managed to break through the Renegade's defenses and rescue Amberlin, but soon after, The Scourge showed up. The paladins went off to fight, but just when it seemed like The Scourge would lose, Rion went insane. He started emmitting powerful energies and began to slaughter the Alliance Forces. Donmy tried to keep him at bay, but to no avail. Rion reached the town and destroyed it. During the battle, he killed Kram and raised him up as an undead servant. Amberlin, horrified, ran away. She managed to hitch a ride on a traveling merchant's caravan, all the way to Stormwind.