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[[Image:Drunssastarterwarr.jpg|200x300px|Image of Drunss]]
Realm Drakkari US
Race Tauren
Class Warrior
Talents Arms, Protection (formerly)
Profession(s) Blacksmithing, Mining
Location Various, Durotar, Darkshore, Elwynn forest
Hometown Mulgore
Language(s) Taurahe
Status Alive
Alignment Neutral friendly, Horde

Drunss is a level 20 Tauren Warrior.

The player who controls him has not purchased World of Warcraft (He only has the Starter Edition).

Who is he?

Though he is just a Starter Editon character, he is to be mentioned for other "Starters" within his realm, and his gear is actually very good for that level. Even when he is not the best Starter, he always adventures to Alliance territories to either kill some Ally characters or to just be there

He has reached a large number of allied territories that no other Starter would ever think about visiting with horde characters. Some of those places were:

He also proved that you can enter some race starting zones without dying.


  • He sometimes can be seen in Lion's Pride Inn, but no one knows how does he get there though.
  • He is allways willing to /dance with anyone.
  • He used to be a Protection Warrior, but after patch 6.0.2 he considered that it would be better to become Arms because he belived Protection was "hardly nerfed".
  • He loves his  [Kadrak's Axe] (he uses  [Cold Iron Pick] but uses Kadrak's Axe for Transmogrification).
  • Likely to write with Mayus when highlighting something. Example: did you see THAT??!!
  • His other Characters are Saajiuh, Troll Shaman and Tassaly, Night Elf Warrior.

See Also