User:CTMDeliboxer/Sir Kalious Briarcliff

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AllianceSir Kalious Briarcliff
Image of Sir Kalious Briarcliff
Title <WoW Icon update.png
Former Captain of the 18th Stormwind Vagabond Unit, Lord>
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Warrior, Knight
Affiliation(s) Alliance, Alliance of Lordaeron
Occupation Knight of The Northcrest
Former occupation(s) Blacksmith, Farmhand
Location Stormhaven
Status Alive

Cedric (Father - Deceased)

Mithra (Mother - Deceased)

Kaeyln (Ex-Wife - Deceased)

Luther (Son - Alive)

Lord Cedric Briarcliff

Ser Duncan Wayrest

Sir Borus Caster

"By my blade, I shall defend this shattered world, be it with those of the Alliance by my side... or my own two hands."

— Kalious

Sir Kalious Briarcliff (pronounced "Kali-ous") is the final and only remaining heir to the seat of the Briarcliff family that ruled over Fenris Isle for countless generations, though ever since the invasion of the Forsaken many years ago within the Silverpine Forest and the majority of Lordaeron, he was forced to flee to the city of Stormwind where he's since vowed to return and reclaim what many others have lost.

During his travels throughout Azeroth, Kalious has encountered a number of new and renowned individuals spanning from the bitter cold plains of Northrend to the misty isles of Pandaria. It comes as no surprise that through his experiences, the swordsman has served within the Alliance Army, even giving a majority of his service to the Third War and its advance where he'd make quite the name for himself upon the front-lines of battle along with his childhood friend, Sir Folnar Hale within the 18th Stormwind Vagabond Unit.

After a disastrous tour in Felwood that saw most of Kalious and Folnar's platoon dead along with two commanding officers, they took it upon themselves to lead a majority of the attack toward Mount Hyjal where the demon Archimonde would reside in hopes of destroying the great tree. Battling for many days, both Kalious and Folnar aided in the final blow to the Burning Legion and its advance through Kalimdor, though at a great cost. The eruption of Archimonde was enough to render Mount Hyjal useless and forever burning, thus the night elves of the world ultimately sacrificed their own immortality for the longevity and safety of Azeroth, a loss that would haunt them till the end of time.

For their service within the Third War, Kalious was given the title "The Falcon of Fenris" to commemorate the victory and memory of his homeland while Folnar was appointed the new Commander of The Redridge Knights, once led by Sir Duncan Wayrest and knighed the two in the process. Soon after, Folnar would appoint Kalious as his right hand and Captain of the Order where the two would defend the region of Lakeshire and where ever else they could for several years. As the years would pass, Kalious saw it fit to leave the Knights of Redridge to follow his own personal agenda which took him all across Azeroth once more, learning the new and old tongues of the world while taking a distinctive interest in to their cultures. His journey continues to be long and has since brought him to The King's Sworn Chapter led by Dame Elizabeth Smithen who has now appointed him as her right-hand and Knight-Captain of the Chapter and still hopes to one day return to Fenris and his homeland to take back what was once stolen those many years ago and restore his family's name.


Travelling through Felwood

Early Beginnings

A View of Hyjal
A View of Hyjal

Kalious was born in to the nobility of Lordaeron and of the Briarcliff family that has ruled over Fenris Isle for generations. His father's name was Cedric and his mother was named Mithra. He studied all aspects of swordsmanship as a boy and went hunting occasionally with both his father and childhood friend Sir Folnar Hale from time to time while living within the secluded Silverpine Forest. At a young age, Kalious was trained to near mental and physical peak by his father and dear friend, Watch-Captain Borus who was renowned for leading the secondary assault in the First War. By the time he was a young man, Kalious was one of the most venerated swordsmen in Lordaeron before the Third War came about. After long, Kalious and Folnar would be offered an opportunity that would see them join the Stormwind Army within the 18th Vagabond Unit that took the two South of The Eastern Kingdoms and then to Stormwind City itself.

There, they'd train with their soon brothers and sisters in arms for the inevitable Third War which would see the Burning Legion invade Azeroth once more. Now deployed and in the same platoon, both Kalious and Folnar travelled across the Great Sea and onward to Kalimdor. Once on solid ground, those of the blue and gold would make their way to Felwood with around forty other men and women ready to bleed and slay in the name of the Alliance, though it seemed tragedy constantly struck throughout their campaign which saw and majority of the platoon and two commanding officers dead at the hands of the Burning Legion. With a growing disbandment of the unit, Kalious and Folnar took it upon themselves to lead the final assault within Kalimdor and finally, Mount Hyjal where the vile demon Archimonde planned to rid the world of life once more in the name of war.