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No image available
Gender Male
Race Goblin
Level 38
Class Mage
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bilgewater Cartel, Horde
Occupation Assasin of the Horde
General of Stonetalon Montains (formerly)
Location Wherever someone is willing to pay money for his services
Status Active

This article is a player character biography page for Riket of Zuluhed US

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Riket Contraption is a goblin from the Bilgewater Cartel, member of the Called for Backup guild. He is fanatically loyal to the Horde after seeing his family killed by an Alliance garrison during the Second War. He is trained on Enchanting and Leatherworking.


Riket was born in the Isle of Kezan seventeen years before the opening of the Dark Portal. After several years of study he became a Goblin Tinker and joined the Steamwheedle Cartel. During the Second War he joined the Horde by the command of Trade Prince Steamwheedle. He followed Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer to Quel'thalas where he killed several high elves, then he marched with the rest of the Horde through the Alterac Mountains into the Capital City, during the battle his brother Tek was killed, he was devastated and fled from the battle, instead of following the Horde to the Broken Isles or Blackrock Mountains.

After the war he discovered that his family was killed during the Siege of Blackrock Spire by an Alliance Garrison under the command of Alexandros Mograine. Following that he didn't accepted the neutrality of the goblins and refused to give his service to the Alliance. When Gazlowe was contracted by Thrall to build Orgrimmar, Riket quickly joined his team, he even fought in the final battle against Admiral Proudmoore. After the work was over he left the Steamwheedle cartel and joined the Bilgewater Cartel as they paid him higher salary. Within the Bilgewater Cartel he was trained to become a mage to provide better services to the trade prince Jastor Gallywix.

He was involved in the Cataclysm event that destroyed his home in Kezan, he evacuated but his ship was sank by the Alliance. After some adventures in the Lost Isles, he saved Thrall and became a formal member of the Horde. After learning that the Horde and Alliance had declared open war to each other he eagerly joined the Horde's army.