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Tides of Darkness

Assault on Hillsbrad
Date 6 ADP
Location Great Sea and Hillsbrad Foothills
Result Alliance victory, Horde successfully lands in southern Lordaeron but cannot force the Alliance from the battlefield, Horde retreats east to the Hinterlands and Quel'Thalas

Alliance of Lordaeron


Orcish Horde

Commanders and leaders

Alliance of Lordaeron IconSmall Lothar.gif Supreme Commander Anduin Lothar
IconSmall Turalyon.gif Turalyon
IconSmall Uther.gif Uther
IconSmall Khadgar.gif Khadgar
IconSmall Alleria.gif Alleria Windrunner

IconSmall Proudmoore.gif Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore

Orcish Horde IconSmall Orgrim.gif Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer
IconSmall Orc Male.gif Tharbek
IconSmall Rend.gifIconSmall Rend.gif Chieftains Rend and Maim Blackhand
IconSmall Gul'dan.gif Chieftain Gul'dan
IconSmall Cho'gall.gif Chieftain Cho'gall

IconSmall Teron.gif Teron Gorefiend
Casualties and losses

Alliance of Lordaeron


Orcish Horde

Previous Start of the Siege of Ironforge
Next Battles of Tol Barad, Battle of the Hinterlands
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

The Assault on Hillsbrad was one of the earliest battles of the Second War and the first battle between the Orcish Horde and the Alliance of Lordaeron. The fighting took place in the Hillsbrad Foothills near Lordaeron's southern coast, halfway between Southshore and Gilneas, nine days after the formation of the Alliance. The town of Hillsbrad had not yet been founded.


Alliance Supreme Commander Anduin Lothar had stationed his army in the Hillsbrad Foothills near Southshore, believing this location was centralized enough for his forces to quickly deploy anywhere in continental Lordaeron. This was vital because Lothar and the Alliance leadership did not know where the Horde would invade, or even whether they would invade by land or by sea. While waiting among the foothills, Lothar planned strategies with the Alliance kings and his four chosen lieutenants: his second-in-command Turalyon, Uther, Khadgar, and Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore.

Two days prior to the battle, the armies of the human kingdoms were joined by an elven battle group led by Alleria Windrunner. The Kingdom of Quel'Thalas had sent this expedition to honor the debt that Silvermoon had to Lothar, last of the Arathi bloodline.

Orgrim Doomhammer, warchief of the orcish Horde, had recently led his forces in a lightning-fast invasion of Khaz Modan. Using iron and wood resources taken from the dwarves' territory, he ordered the construction of a transport fleet. These large rowing ships carried thousands of orcs across the Great Sea to land in southern Lordaeron, where Doomhammer did not believe the humans would expect an attack. It is not clear which Horde clans or leaders participated in the Assault on Hillsbrad, but it is known that Kilrogg Deadeye (of the Bleeding Hollow) and Zuluhed the Whacked (of the Dragonmaw)) were in different parts of Khaz Modan at the time.

Alleria's rangers and Proudmoore's scout ships each reported these movements, and Lothar rushed his army west to meet the Horde as they landed.


Before the Horde fleet made landfall, it was intercepted by Alliance warships. Proudmoore's navy sank several of the orc transports, killing thousands of orcs that were onboard[1]—literally decimating the Horde's fighting force (tens of thousands[2]) before the main battle began.

Despite these losses, the Horde's large number of transports allowed them to reach Lordaeron's coast with numbers that still outnumbered those of the Alliance.[3]) To meet them, Lothar had spread the Alliance army across the last line of Hillsbrad's rolling foothills, facing toward Southshore and the Great Sea. The Alliance defenders advanced toward the shoreline as the Horde landed, hoping to attack the orcs as they disembarked.

Lothar charged from his line and attacked the orcs himself, soon followed by Turalyon and Uther. Alliance forces cheered as the three leaders struck down several orcs, crushing them left and right. As thousands more of the Horde landed, however, the three fell back to the Alliance front line to avoid being overwhelmed—and at least one arrow from Alleria save Turalyon from this fate.[4]

Returning to the line safely, Lothar ordered his soldiers to raise spears and link shields to repel the oncoming orcs. The Horde crashed into this shield wall three times, taking heavy casualties with each assault. The human defenders likewise fell in several places, but Alliance leaders formed them into new lines behind the existing line of troops.

The orcs held back after the third failed assault, allowing a handful of Death Knights to take the field. The Death Knights proceeded to point their truncheons forward, killing the defenders directly in front of them as blood poured from the humans' mouths, noses, and ears. Shocked at this dark magic, Uther bathed the remaining Alliance soldiers in Holy Light to protect them, and then he led his three Paladins (Saidan Dathrohan, Tirion Fordring, and Gavinrad) out of the Alliance line to attack the Death Knights directly. The Death Knights and Paladins were evenly matched, neither able to gain advantage over the other, and they continued to occupy each other for the duration of the battle.

After one more orcish assault failed to break the Alliance line, the Horde brought several giant ogres forward. The ogres, armed with uprooted trees as clubs, crushed entire sections of the Alliance's wall of soldiers. As the Horde poured through these gaps, Turalyon and other Alliance leaders gave the order to fall back

In other lore

Battle of the Hinterlands
Aerie Peak.jpg
Date 6 ADP
Location Hinterlands
Result Decisive Alliance victory, Wildhammer Clan joins the Alliance, the battle distracts Alliance forces while the Horde begins to invade Quel'Thalas

Wildhammer Clan Alliance of Lordaeron


Orcish Horde

  • Unknown clans
Commanders and leaders

Wildhammer Clan IconSmall Kurdran.gif Thane Kurdran Wildhammer
IconSmall Lothar.gif Supreme Commander Anduin Lothar
IconSmall Turalyon.gif Turalyon
IconSmall Khadgar.gif Khadgar

IconSmall Alleria.gif Alleria Windrunner

Orcish Horde

IconSmall Orc Male.gif Unknown
Casualties and losses

Wildhammer Clan


Orcish Horde

All forces
Previous Battle of Hillsbrad Foothills
Next Burning of Quel'thalas
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

In other lore

Burning of Quel'Thalas
Date 6 ADP
Location Quel'Thalas
Result Horde victory, Horde forces Alliance to retreat from the battlefield but cannot capture Silvermoon

Alliance of Lordaeron


Orcish Horde

Commanders and leaders

Alliance of Lordaeron IconSmall HighElf Male.gif King Anasterian Sunstrider
IconSmall SylvanasHE.gif Ranger General Sylvanas Windrunner
IconSmall Vereesa.gif Vereesa Windrunner
IconSmall Turalyon.gif Turalyon
IconSmall Khadgar.gif Khadgar
IconSmall Alleria.gif Alleria Windrunner

IconSmall Kurdran.gif Thane Kurdran Wildhammer

Orcish Horde IconSmall Orgrim.gif Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer
IconSmall Orc Male.gif Tharbek
IconSmall Zul'jin.gif Warlord Zul'jin
IconSmall Rend.gifIconSmall Rend.gif Chieftains Rend and Maim Blackhand
IconSmall Zuluhed.gif Chieftain Zuluhed
IconSmall Gul'dan.gif Chieftain Gul'dan
IconSmall Cho'gall.gif Chieftain Cho'gall

IconSmall Teron.gif Teron Gorefiend
Casualties and losses

Alliance of Lordaeron


Orcish Horde

Previous Battle of the Hinterlands
Next Siege of Capital City
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

In other lore

Battle at Crestfall
Date 6 ADP
Location Great Sea, between Crestfall and Kul Tiras
Result Decisive Alliance victory, entire Horde navy destroyed

Alliance of Lordaeron


Orcish Horde

Commanders and leaders

Alliance of Lordaeron IconSmall Proudmoore.gif Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore

IconSmall Human Male.gif Derek Proudmoore†

Orcish Horde

IconSmall Rend.gifIconSmall Rend.gif Chieftains Rend and Maim Blackhand
Casualties and losses

Alliance of Lordaeron


Orcish Horde

Previous Battle of the Broken Isles
Next End of Siege of Lordaeron
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Invasion of Draenor

Invasion of Draenor


Location Worlds of Azeroth (Eastern kingdoms) and Draenor
Result Alliance victory, final destruction of the Dark Portal, transformation of Draenor into Outland

Alliance of Lordaeron


Horde of Draenor

Commanders and leaders

Alliance of Lordaeron On Azeroth

On Draenor


Horde of Draenor

Previous Second War
Next Battle of Grim Batol

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  1. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 124
  2. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 47
  3. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 128
  4. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 127-128