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This article is a player character biography page

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Sazkia Firespinner
Image of Sazkia Firespinner
Faction Horde
Gender Female
Race Goblin
Class Mage
Talent Spec Fire
Realm Moon Guard US

Sazkia appears to be a Goblin.  She has no known loyalties, but does not appear to be acting against the Horde.  She is a powerful Mage of unknown ability.  Her professions, if any, are unknown.  She has shown herself to be cryptic, and has little patience for nonsense or failure.


This information is immediately observable given the ability to sense it.

Sazkia looks fairly normal for a Goblin woman.  She is of average height, and a little bit on the thin side.  Sazkia is old, but how old is a bit of a mystery.  Anyone farmiliar with such magic knows that she uses powerful illusions to conceal many things about herself, and to make herself look more youthful.  Her neutral expression seems to be that of someone glaring at nothing.

Public History

This section contains information that either Sazkia has freely divulged or has been recorded in public records.  Characters may come across this information through gossip or public records.


There is almost no information available regarding Sazkia.  The Goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel do not recall one among them with that name, or that even looked like her.  Goblins of the Steamwheedle Cartel likewise have no records of her.  They do note, however, that they have transaction records of both a Night Elf and a Human by the same name, though neither of those women have been seen since their last recorded transactions.


Sazkia was found to be interfering with a Blood Elf named Merryweather's translocation.  Another Blood Elf named Belinthor negotiated with Sazkia, and the interference was stopped.

Sazkia spends most of her time in Dalaran when business does not take her elsewhere.


The information in this section is not considered to be public knowledge or immediately observable.  You should speak to me out of character before using this information in character.

Simply, Sazkia is Lawful Evil.  In more detail, when she gives her word, she keeps it.  When she makes a deal with someone, that person is held to the terms of the agreement, and she holds herself to the same terms.  Laws, rules, or regulations...whatever they may be called, she sees them as absolutely necessary for a civilized being.  However, if one can use the law to serve themselves, they should.  

And how exactly does Sazkia serve herself?  She is not greedy, known to donate generously.  She does not seek political power, keeping to herself, and ignoring politics.  Sazkia uses order to further her own goals, whatever they may be, and goes to great lengths to keep them secret.

