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Faction Neutral
Gender Male
Level 27
Race Human
Class Engineer
Talent Spec Computer Science
Professions Full Time College Student
Realm United States
Guild None

I have decided that rather than have wow-related info about me spread all over the interwebs, I'll try and consolidate it here. For now, a little bit of WoW history: I joined around about the mid-BC era, and got to experience a good chunk pf BC end game before Wrath hit. I started on Farstriders, and eventually moved to Sisters of Elune. Recently, I've moved to Scarlet Crusade, but didn't stay there long. I have settled on Moon Guard. You might noticed that these are all PvE-RP servers, and that is not a coincidence.

My gaming style is PvE Preference with occassional PvP. I enjoy working with others (Dungeons and Raids), but also enoy solo content (Quests). I enjoying exploring new areas, and "experimenting". I'm very likely to insist that something be tried at least once, rather than avoid doing it altogether.

My role playing style is what I consider to be casual. I'm generally not in-character while doing content, but will happily jump into character when prompted. If I'm in "RP Gear", though, I'm definately in-character. Also, the personality of a given character does impact my gaming style to some degree.


I like to say that I've deleted more max level characters for their expansions than most players have ever had. Well, I don't *like* to say it, but I do say it. Levels below may be estimates, and races are current as of the last edit to this section. I prefer the Horde, but occasionally hang out Alliance side..

Current Characters

My current character roster.

Moon Guard

Name Level Spec Class Race Gameplay Status RP Status
Seldi 85 Assassination Rogue Goblin Main Inactive
Leilanai 85 Holy Priest Blood Elf Alt Inactive
Sazkia 85 Fire Mage Goblin Alt Inactive
Winterwisp 85 Protection Paladin Human Alt Inactive
Mersie 85 Survival Hunter Forsaken Alt Inactive
Adoriae 81 Afflicton Warlock Blood Elf Alt Inactive
Skolvose 76 Blood Death Knight Worgen Token DK Non-RP
Sulfon 64 Elemental Shaman Troll Alt Inactive
Merryweather 54 Windwalker Monk Pandaren Alt Semi-Active

Scarlet Crusade

Name Level Spec Class Race Gameplay Status RP Status
Winterwisp 85 Arms Warrior Human Alt Inactive
Aixela 81 Restoration Druid Night Elf Alt Inactive

Past Characters

These characters have either been moved, renamed, deleted, or some combination of those three.

Server Name Class
Moon Guard Merryweather Rogue
Scarlet Crusade Saiymina Priest
Scarlet Crusade Iaia Shaman
Scarlet Crusade Sazkia Mage
Scarlet Crusade Pseyrina Rogue
Scarlet Crusade Calcobrina Warlock
Scarlet Crusade Bastuel Hunter
Sisters of Elune Juliann Priest
Sisters of Elune Juliann Rogue
Sisters of Elune Marcela Rogue
Sisters of Elune Marcela Priest
Sisters of Elune Calbrena Warlock
Sisters of Elune Bastuel Hunter
Sisters of Elune Aimia Warlock
Sisters of Elune Adalwolf Mage
Sisters of Elune Winterscream Death Knight
Sisters of Elune Winterwisp Paladin
Sisters of Elune Aixela Druid
Sisters of Elune Salahadrin Warlock
Sisters of Elune Skolvose Death Knight
Farstriders Edricktheo Warrior
Farstriders Merryweather Rogue
Farstriders Leilan Priest
Farstriders Calbrena Warlock
Farstriders Calcobrina Warlock
Farstriders Adeliz Hunter
Farstriders Neris Druid