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Bloodmaw of the Skystrider Tribe is practicing Shamanism.

Bloodmaw is a member of the Tauren Skystrider tribe and a practicing shaman. Originally a nomad like most Tauren, he settled down in Bloodhoof Village shortly after its founding. There, he began his studies of shamanism. His younger brother, Graile Skystrider, is also starting on the path of the shaman and aspires to follow in Bloodmaw's example.

Bloodmaw first ventured out of Mulgore on an expedition to the Crossroads with his good friend Drisden to sell leather wares. While there, there bore witness to a raid by Alliance forces and joined in the battle. After the conflict, Bloodmaw encountered a mysterious band of adventurers known as the Shadow Gypsies. Identifying with their cause, Bloodmaw joined their ranks, eventually traveling the world to combat evil and corruption in the form of the Alliance and the Scourge.

While on assignment in the Plaguelands, Bloodmaw encountered the undead warrior Dalan, who, while also combating the Scourge in the name of The Dark Hand Covenant, joined with the Shadow Gypsies as well.

He should not be confused with Chieftain Bloodmaw of the Deadwood Furbolgs.