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Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
Allenhardt Horde Shadowsong IconSmall Undead Male.gif Warrior Warrior 2 The Blackheart Templar N/A
Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank

Vedric Allenhardt is an undead warrior who recently awakened in Deathknell. He had slumbered for several years in a magical sleep, a result of his exposure to the fallout from a magical battle in the Skittering Dark during the rebellion of The Dark Hand Covenant.

In life, Allenhardt was a soldier in the Stormwind army serving under Captain Mauron Alnamis. At the end of the Second War, he followed Mauron and his unit into Draenor as part of the campaign against the Horde. When they returned to Azeroth, Mauron was taken over by the parasitic soul of the Orc Warlock Al'ghul and emanated a tainted aura that corrupted his most trusted followers, including Allenhardt. They became The Blackheart Templar, the core generals of The Dark Hand Covenant.

Allenhardt awakened in Deathknell with a full recollection of previous events, including the betrayal of The Dark Hand Covenant led by members Dalan and Krall. Having been freed from the control of his now dead former master, Embron, Allenhardt was free to act on his own. His first order of business, locate and reassemble the former Blackheart Templar and seek out the body of his true master, Mauron. Once this task is complete, Allenhardt's next goal is simple: hunt down and kill the betrayers, Dalan and Krall.