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AllianceOrnathoril Duskwing
No image available
Title <Plaguebringer, Void Caller>
Gender Male
Race(s) Void elf (Currently), Blood elf (Formerly)
Class Warlock Warlock
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Alliance, Silvermoon City (Formerly), Horde (Formerly), Royal Apothecary Society (Formerly), Hand of Vengeance (Formerly)
Occupation Void Researcher, Plague Scientist, Alchemist
Location Silvermoon City
Status Alive
Relative(s) Alindaloran (Half-Brother), Danirdaloran (Half-Brother), Salendris (Half-Brother)
Alignment Chaotic Good

Ornathoril Duskwing, is a fomer plague scientist of the Royal Apothecary Society that turned his back on the Horde following the events of the Wrathgate. He seeks revenge against the forsaken for having used him to aid in the development of a plague that would be unleashed upon their enemies and allies alike. His drive for vengeance would eventually draw him to research the entropic powers of the void, and meet Umbric's group of elves researching the void, which would change him forever.


Darkened Blood

In the aftermath of the Fall of Silvermoon many Blood Elves followed Kael to Outland, Ornathoril was not among them. Preferring to remain in the golden halls of the fallen city, he set out planning his vengeance upon the scourge. He became obsessed with a particular weapon the scourge used in their war against Silvermoon and humanity alike, the plague of undeath. While not seeking to replicate it, he sought to turn it against the scourge, by crafting an affliction that was all consuming. He began studying dark magics in secret, necromancy, demonology, even the hexes and curses used by the Amani. When Sylvanas advocated for Silvermoon to join the Horde, he found an odd kinship among his new Forsaken allies in the Royal Apothecary Society. During his time with the Horde he oddly spent more time in the Undercity than his home lands becoming a member of the Royal Apothecary Society, working with Forsaken Apothecaries on perfecting their new plague, one that could wipe out the scourge. Unbeknownst to him, the Forsaken had other plans for their new plague, which would come to be known as The New Plague. The Forsaken kept the plague’s true purpose from him as it continued to become more toxic and virulent. Eventually when the Forsaken’s campaign against the scourge moved to Northrend he went with them as part of the Hand of Vengeance. He assisted in deploying the plague against the scourge and securing the Forsaken’s hold of New Agamand in Northrend. He was eventually called by Grand Apothecary Putress to transport the new plague over to the Wrathgate, which Ornathoril graciously agreed to do so. When the Battle of the Wrathgate came to a front, Putress showed his hand, deploying the plague against all present, Ornathoril watched in horror as his elven brothers and sisters, and members of the horde died around him. He fled the battlefield and went into self-imposed exile in the Ghostlands. He planned to remain there to help eradicate the remaining scourge as penance for his role in the betrayal at the Wrathgate. One evening he overheard a convoy from Silvermoon gossiping amongst themselves about a recent expulsion, Magister Umbric and his students had been exiled from Silvermoon for studying an all-consuming power known as the void, and there were rumors of investigations occurring over at Dawnlight Spire. He ventured there in the dark of night, scoured the spire for the barest hint of this forbidden knowledge, knowledge that may help him complete his original goal of creating the ultimate affliction. A new weapon to redeem himself, by eliminating the undead. While he was searching a bookshelf he heard footsteps coming from the terrace above him, he snuck up the ramp and over to the doorway to get a glimpse at the individual that may cut his research short. Readying debilitating curses he jumped out at the figure, only to see the elf slip through a dark rift. Throwing caution to the wind he raced after, discovering Umbric’s new refuge of Telogrus. Ornathoril joined the magister’s students in their efforts to understand the void and was present when Alleria Windrunner came with an Alliance Emissary. The events that followed would transform him into one of the Void Elves, upon which he would change his last name from Silverlake to Duskwing.


Ornathoril has a keen interests in diseases, curses, and the like. He seeks to find the ultimate affliction that he could use to redeem himself for his past actions by using it against the Forsaken. Due to this interest he also is highly curious when he encounters a cursed being, Worgen in particular are fascinating to him. He readily will unleash his afflictions upon his enemies and particularly relishes fighting against the Forsaken. Ornathoril prefers to keep the company of other void elves and tends to be wary of his allies, especially the Night Elves. Ultimately Ornathoril considers himself loyal to Silvermoon and it's people first, not the Alliance.