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Gandromath is a Blood elf Rogue who fought for Quel'Thalas when Arthas ravaged the lands to get to the sunwell. He was one of the Captains of the Sunwell guard at the time, but left the position after he was revived by his lover Salera. Both knew there was little chance of survival should they remain in their lands, and such set out for Outland. Salera only made it to the edge of Silverpine forest before being killed by a Scourge Deathknight, it was at that point Gandromath swore vengeance against the scourge. Despite his vendetta he was eventually killed during the Northrend Campaign, his body was reclaimed and buried in Quel'Thalas. He now currently resides in the Shadowlands in the plane of Maldraxxus.

HordeGandromath Bloodstar
Image of Gandromath Bloodstar
Title <The Fallen>
Gender Male
Race Blood elf
Class Rogue
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Independant (currently), Shattered Sun Offensive (Formerly), Farstriders, The Sunwell Guard, Silvermoon City
Occupation Assassin
Location Outland
Status Dead
Alignment True Neutral
"Much blood was shed upon these lands... many souls were lost in these lands... much must be done to restore these lands" - Mourning the damage done to Quel'Thalas.


Gandromath was once a well respected member of the noble Bloodwing house, his family was a clan of rogues and hunters, however once the Sunwell was destroyed and used to resurrect Kel'Thuzad, him and his family were all but forgotten.

The Sunwell

Thousands of years ago, before the Scourge ravaged Quel'Thalas, the highborne elves, now calling themselves Quel'Dorei or High Elves constructed a magical fount of untold arcane power. It was the source of their immortality, the strength of their people, and the core of their society. It was this fount that made everything possible for them, the enchantment cast over their lands, the runestones protecting their home from outsiders, even their grand city was constructed through the Sunwell's power.

Gandromath was there from the beginning, though at the time of the creation of the sunwell he was but a young new born elf, he already had begun to feed off its energies. By the time he had become an adult he was initiated into the Farstriders as a scout for their lands. He participated in the effort to rout the Amani Trolls, and the protection of Quel'Thalas. Although the High Elves took joined the Grand Alliance he refused to aid their new allies, he didn't trust the humans or their other allies. He thought they needed the elves more than the elves needed them.

Gandromath Bloodstar, Captain of the Sunwell Guard
Salera Dawnstrider

Once the Third War had started and the plague of undeath was spreading through northern Lordaeron Gandromath had risen through the elven military and had become a captain of the sunwell guard. A corps of elven rangers, scouts, rogues and swordsmen dedicated to defending the sunwell no matter the cost. He was there when Arthas attacked, and witnessed his soldiers falling before him and raised as mindless servants of the enemy. As the dead rampaged through the grove he looked around looking for any remaining elves who were still fighting, helping them and then telling them to get to safety. His last memory of the fight, was hearing his ally Thalorien Dawnseeker instructing guards to go and protect the sunwell while he bought the rest of them time. After he had finished talking he was knocked unconcious at the gates of the sunwell.

Four days later he was awoken by one of his people, a beautiful scarlet haired priest. She told him that most of their people had either died or already left the forests to search for a new source of arcane power with prince Kael. The Priest's name was Salera Dawnstrider, there was something different about her though, her eyes were glowing green. She handed Gandromath a glowing green flask telling him that many elves had already died because they succumbed to a magic addiction and became something called the wretched. Touching the flask to his lips and ingesting the liquid, power filled him, and his once sky blue eyes turned to a powerful verdant green. She helped him up and they walked through the ruins of their destroyed land, explaining everything to him... that they were no longer high elves but now Blood Elves, named in honor of their fallen. Feeling regret and remorse, he asked Salera if she would travel with him to help him regain strength enough to one day take revenge on the monster that had destroyed their lands. She agreed.

Aftermath and The Elven Vendetta

Gandromath and Salera travelled west through the plaguelands, treacherous areas where the presence of the scourge and the plague was strong. They set up camp often to rest from the constant assaults, but it seemed to Gandromath that it wasn't just the scourge that was tracking them... there was something else. After a week of travelling the two arrived in Tirisfal, which had become a shade of what it once was, the trees appeared to be living, at least some of them did. The towns were destroyed as was the capital city, as far as they could tell the land was devoid of sentient human life. The two continued their journey and came to the Tirisfal-Silverpine Forest border, in a tree was a young elf by the name of Lak. He had been tracking them since they left Quel'Thalas, Lak jumped down from a tree he had been roosting in and ran over to Sanguinarian knocking him over and demanding that to become Sanguinarian's apprentice. Sanguinarian and Salera walked away from the new blood elf, claiming that another person would only hinder them. Lak pursued and charged at Salera to attempt to hold her hostage, but found that he couldn't run any further, Gandromath had a dagger to Lak's throat and another pointing right at his heart. Gandromath offered him a chance to become his apprentice, provided that he doesn't touch Salera at all.

Lak, Gandromath's Apprentice

Travelling through Silverpine Forest was much easier than anticipated, the scourge presence wasn't as heavy because of the damage that had already been done there wasn't much reason for the scourge to stay in the area any longer. Continuing to search for a haven Salera suggested Dalaran, however Lak informed them that it had also been destroyed by the scourge and was now like their homeland. With little other choice the three pressed on, heading towards the Blasted Lands in hopes of reuniting with the rest of their kin that manage to survive. Arriving at the border between Hillsbrad Foothills and Silverpine Forest, they were met with Scourge resistance. A Human Death Knight by the name of Lord Kelric Bloodhowl, challenged them to a fight, Gandromath stepped forward and engaged the death knight in combat using the shadows that the trees made to his advantage. After several minutes of toying with the still recovering elf the Death Knight decided to end their duel. He charged at Salera and plunged his runeblade into her chest and then raised her from the dead before riding off to return to the cold plains of Northrend. Instantly identifying Salera as now a threat Lak immobilized her while Sanguinarian did what he could to give her a quick death. It was this day that he decided that he would go to Northrend to avenge his people.

"On this day I vow to avenge her death, and to inflict the most painful torment imaginable upon that damned Lich King! He will suffer for what he did to our people... for what he did to Salera!" - Sanguinarian

The Blood Price

Sanguinarian was slain in Northrend. He was slain by the Scourge of Zul'Drak, the Argent Crusade recovered his corpse and sent it back to Eversong where he would recieve a proper burial, and spend the rest of eternity with his beloved Salera.


<--!His time after death in the Shadowlands!-->


Sanguinarian is a very analytic Blood elf, he never storms into combat brazenly, he plans out his strikes. When it comes to an assassination he stays in the shadows while he observes the setting, taking everything into account, number of enemies, his location in respect to the target's, and what his possible methods of eliminating the target would be. He, however is not necessarily a heartless killer... he will refuse work that he thinks is without reason, despite everything he does he still considers the life of members of the horde to be a sacred thing. He feels much remorse for what had been done to his homeland and wishes to see it restored by any means, this is his downfall... he has been fooled when someone offers him a method of restoring his homeland.


"On this day I vow to avenge her death, and to inflict the most painful torment imaginable upon that damned Lich King! He will suffer for what he did to our people... for what he did to Salera!" - Sanguinarian
"Much blood was shed upon these lands... many souls were lost in these lands... much must be done to restore these lands" - Mourning the damage done to Quel'Thalas.
"You would rather spill more blood upon these lands? I find that seeing the few peaceful parts of these lands more pleasing than tainting them any further" - Sanguinarian to Lak, his apprentice after returning from hiding
"Target is surrounded by 2... no 3 bodyguards... chances of survival by eliminating all guards and target, 34%... less than ideal... ranged assassination chances 10%... single target assassination chances.. indeterminate." - Planning a kill
"You say you are courageous, I say that your bloodlust and want for vengeance blinds you... if you leave anything to chance you will die... it's as simple as that" - Sanguinarian to Lak
"Farewell, and may the shadows protect you..." - Saying Goodbye.