User:Alayea/Dread Knights (Malfurion US)

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This is left here for historical purposes for the Malfurion server. If you wish to make changes, please visit Alayea's talk page.

Q u o t e:

We just transferred our guild here from Malfurion server and are looking to rebuild on Zul'jin and start raiding again. I founded this guild in 11/2005 and we have raided all content from vanilla wow up to patch 5.2. Sadly, we were not able to maintain our raiding roster on Malfurion and all the core players agreed it was time to move. Dread Knights continues on Malfurion as a casual social guild of old friends and alt toons. -- Ravenous 2013-03-19


This article is a guild information page.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Guild pages must comply with the personal article policy.

Page last modified: 2023-11-04

HordeDread Knights
Server Malfurion US
Guild Leader Bloodknivez
Levels 80
Type PvE
Accounts 50 +
Armory Dread Knights Armory

Dread Knights is a semi-hardcore PvE guild, with over 50 members (not counting alts!). The people in the guild do many various things, from running old content to leveling different characters and professions to obtaining achievements or merely socialize with others. Above all, we desire to progress through end-game content while not losing our sense of fun.

Dread Knights was formed on Malfurion. It is dedicated towards end game instances, and we preferably recruit people with experience. To fill out an application go to For more information you can contact Ravenous in-game.

Guild Progress


This guild was originally formed by Ravenous and a group of friends on November 10, 2005. After growing to a considerable size they started attempting Molten Core. It has seen its share of highs and lows since then, but the guild has endured and to this day is still the oldest on the server.

Weekly Raid Schedule

We raid Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and -- if possible -- Sunday from 7:30pm to 10:45pm CST.

Guild Rules

  • We are family-friendly and you are expected to behave as such. Remember that whatever you do will reflect on Dread Knights as a whole.
  • This is a raiding guild. Every person is expected to be able to come to at least 2 runs a week.
    • If you are unable to make it for a week or more you must notify an officer in-game or post on the guild forums.
  • Because of the new Flexible Raid Lockout System, attendance will be more important than ever. If we can't get a 25-player raid going, it will be converted to a 10-man raid. If even that can't be done, it means it's time to recruit en masse again.
  • Bringing along or contributing materials towards the raid food and cauldron buffs is highly desired.
  • We use a DKP bidding system for loot.


  • Death Knights
    • Melee: Closed
    • Tank: Open
  • Druid
    • All roles are open.
  • Hunter: Open
  • Mage: Open
  • Paladin
    • Holy: Closed
    • Retribution: Open
    • Protection: Open
  • Priest
    • All roles are open.
  • Rogue: Open
  • Shaman
    • Elemental: Open
    • Enhancement: Closed
    • Restoration: Open
  • Warlock: Open
  • Warriors
    • All roles are closed.


Ravenous, Guild Master
Manages website and most guild raids. Main raid leader and lead tank.
Alayea, Officer
Assists with web management, mainly being a moderator; dealing with guild applications/invites; keeping both in-game and forums member list/group and notes up-to-date. Lead Shaman.
Abrielle, Officer
Lead Rogue.


Originally, the guild's name was going to be Dread Pirates in reference to the character Dread Pirate Roberts from the 1987 movie "The Princess Bride". The name was unavailable, however.