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For the urns in Torghast, see Urn (Torghast, Tower of the Damned).
A mind-boggling puzzle and a culinary adventure.

The Urn is located at [52.8, 52.2] on the base of the statue in front of Nakk'rakas in Tomb of Secrets in Kun-Lai Summit. Eating the ashes will send you to the Endless Halls.


Runes on this urn indicate that it contains some of the remains of a powerful mogu spirit-binder. Many of the markings appear to be warnings.

Gossip <Consume the ashes.>


Choosing to consume the ashes, will prompt a popup box with the following warning:

  • "WARNING: You are about to consume the ashes of an evil sorcerer. There is no way to tell what will happen. Are you VERY sure you want to do this?"

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