Uncle Keenbean

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NeutralUncle Keenbean
Image of Uncle Keenbean
Title <Keenbean Kafa Co.>
Gender Male
Race Grummle (Humanoid)
Level 20-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Keenbean Kafa Co.
Location Kota Basecamp, Kun-Lai Summit
Status Alive

Uncle Keenbean is a grummle located in Kota Basecamp in Kun-Lai Summit.




There's nothing like a good cup of kafa! When the seeds are roasted just right, ground fresh, and brewed in pure water.

Perfect for the weary traveler or studious monk.

At Kota Basecamp, post-N [20-35] A Fair Trade

What is Kota Kon doing here?!

...And why is she wearing an adorable little bow?

Post-N [20-35] The Burlap Grind

You know, I think that yeti appreciates good kafa more than most people. And she has't[sic] eaten a single grummle since you brought her down from the peak!

  • This is what happen when you get lazy.
  • Kafa good for grummles and pandaren - not good for goots and yetis and hozen. You should know that!
  • You never shoulda fed dem goots, Cousin!

Patch changes

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