Unbidden Visitors

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HordeUnbidden Visitors
Start Zen'Taji
End Zen'Taji
Level 1-30
Category Durotar
Experience 350
Reputation +250 Darkspear Trolls
Rewards 2s 25c
Previous H [1-30] Watershed Patrol
Next H [1-30] That's the End of That Raptor


Attack 3 Wayward Plainstriders until they flee toward the Barrens.

  • Wayward Plainstrider Returned (3)


Don' worry, Zen'Taji's not in any trouble. He just been studyin' what happens when the river overflows.

Ya see the big tall birds that stand on the riverbank? Zen'Taji thinks they're in trouble. The earthquake and the flood pushed the plainstriders over to this side of the water, but they can't fly back, and they're too scared to swim.

They'll die if they stay here. Zen'Taji doesn't like violence, but maybe YOU can attack them and scare them over to the other side. Yes?



Just beat on 'em, mon. Trust Zen'Taji, they will run. It is no big thing.


I love all the little animals, mon. I love the big ones, too. I just hate to see you hurt them like that... but it's for the best.


This quest is required to complete the quest H [1-30] Watershed Patrol.

At high levels, it can be hard to hurt the tallstriders without killing them. Take off weapons and armor to reduce the amount you hit for, and deselect the mob quickly while attacking so that you only hit them once. Several tallstriders are located north and south along the coast.


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