Twixnee Boltgear

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NeutralTwixnee Boltgear
Image of Twixnee Boltgear
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 35-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Steamwheedle Preservation Society
Location Ruins of Na'gwa, Nagrand[50.2, 41.2]
Status Alive

Twixnee Boltgear is a goblin located at the Ruins of Na'gwa in Nagrand, where she manages a holo-projector for Gazmolf Futzwangler.



Don't mind me, I just work the holo-projector! If you're looking for work you should talk with Mr. G over there!


Gazmolf and Twixnee continuously hold a presentation about holograms of various Nagrand rare elites. After discussing each hologram, they will wait for about 40 seconds before moving on to the next one. They go through the holo-projections in alphabetic order, starting over from the beginning once they've gone through them all.

Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Alright, Twix... let's take a look at the fabled predator Aogexon!
Twixnee Boltgear says: You got it boss! Initiating holo-projection D-092!
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: It's been said that Aogexon's fangs can cut through solid steel! Magnificent!
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: We simply must have Aogexon's fangs, Twixnee. They will make fine fossils one day!
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Let's move on to the next specimen!
Twixnee Boltgear says: Next up in the database is Bergruu. Initiating holo-projection D-093...
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Ahh yes! Bergruu, the mighty Ironhide of the northern plains! Bergruu's horn is said to be the largest clefthoof horn ever seen...
Twixnee Boltgear says: Has anyone actually gotten close enough to measure the thing?
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Not yet! However, there are several collectors that would pay a fortune to acquire it.
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Let's move on to Dekorhan, the mysterious and ancient Elekk[sic] of Nagrand!
Twixnee Boltgear says: Initiating holo-projection D-095...
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Elekk are one of the oldest living species on Draenor, and Dekorhan sightings have been recorded by the orcs for generations...
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Pop quiz, Twix! How do you tell the age of an Elekk[sic]?
Twixnee Boltgear says: Umm... by the size of its tusks?
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Precisely! Did you learn that from me?
Twixnee Boltgear says: That size matters? Uhh... yeah, sure! You bet!
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Now then, let's review the deadly and elusive talbuk known as Direhoof...
Twixnee Boltgear says: Holo-projection D-096 initiated, boss!
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Direhoof is the most dangerous talbuk this side of Nagrand, and a specimen of rare quality...
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: It's our duty as archaeologists to preserve this mighty beast while still in the prime of its life!
Twixnee Boltgear says: Just hearing you speak makes me proud to be an archaeologist, sir!
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: As it should, Twixnee... as it should.
Gagrog the Brutal
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Now, on to the next specimen!
Twixnee Boltgear says: Initiating holo-projection D-097... Gagrog the Brutal!
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Such a magnificently brutal creature! Few Gronn[sic] are as feared as Gagrog the Brutal!
Twixnee Boltgear says: Hide the women and children! Hide everybody!
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Somewhere out there, in a private collection, is an empty place just waiting for Gagrog's skull to fill the void.
Twixnee Boltgear says: Boss, you're bringing tears to my eyes!
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Now, let's take a look at Mu'gra! Holo-projection D-098, Twix...
Twixnee Boltgear says: D-098 coming right up!
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Mu'gra... my old nemesis!
Twixnee Boltgear says: Nemesis? Do you and this hippo have some kind of history?
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Let's just say that extracting a hippo tooth for preservation is far more dangerous while the hippo is alive...
Twixnee Boltgear says: The things we archaeologists have to deal with these days! Sheesh!
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Let us continue on to the next specimen!
Twixnee Boltgear says: You got it, Mr. G! Initiating holo-projection D-099...
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Ahh, yes! Here we have Thek'talon, a windroc of superb size and ferocity.
Twixnee Boltgear says: Does it have large talons?
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Indeed, Twix... and razor sharp! It's a shame we don't have time to allow Thek'talon to die naturally and slowly fossilize through the ages...
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: ...instead, it is our duty to lend nature a helping hand and speed up the process!
Twixnee Boltgear says: Natural fossilization? Ain't nobody got time for that!
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Twixnee, please initiate the holo-projection for Xelganak!
Twixnee Boltgear says: Sure thing, boss! Initiating holo-projection D-100...
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: Xelganak is a most peculiar creature indeed! The bioluminescent fluid in Xelganak's sac is highly corrosive and can be propelled at high velocity.
Twixnee Boltgear says: So Xelganak could melt someone's face off?
Gazmolf Futzwangler says: What do you think happened to Bozzil? He wasn't born looking like that!

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