Tswen-luo Sageflower

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NeutralTswen-luo Sageflower
No image available
Gender Male
Race Pandaren
Location Zouchin Village, Kun-Lai Summit
Status Alive
Relative(s) Yalia Sagewhisper (daughter), unnamed wife, unknown number of sons, daughters, and grandchildren, unnamed mother-in-law[1]
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Tswen-luo Sageflower is the father of Yalia Sagewhisper and a prosperous fisherman and patriarch of the Sageflower family, who makes his home in Zouchin Village within the Kun-Lai Summit. In Yalia's youth, he owned his own boat. Due to his status, it was understood that his young daughter Yalia would be married off to the son of another successful fisherman. However, passing wisdom beyond her years Yalia saw that the competition between Chinwa and Yenki wouldn't end even after her hand had been won. Fearing that the two would compete until one was dead and the other left in guilt, Yalia made the difficult decision to leave Zouchin Village as a Guided Cub and became a member of the Shado-Pan.

By the time Yalia's siblings had cubs of their own, Tswen-luo was a master of a fishing fleet.

When Yalia returned to the village while on assignment and, at the urging of Chen Stormstout, revealed herself to her family. Tswen-luo was shocked and overjoyed at his daughter's return and quickly gathered the rest of the family so that Yalia could reunite with her grandmother, mother, siblings, and meet her nieces and nephews. While trying to drink each other under the table, Tswen-luo, learning of Chen's earlier determination that Zouchin, with its readily available resources, would be the perfect location for a small satellite brewery of Stormstout Brewery, agreed to finance it in return for a modest profit share and a bottomless mug. After the Zandalari trolls attacked the village, the Sageflowers would be among the refugees escorted by Yalia and Li Li Stormstout to stay at Stormstout Brewery, where they would be able to learn about operating the future Zouchin brewery.[1]
