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Start Justin Timberlord
End Justin Timberlord
Level 10-40
Category Garrison
Rewards 61g 60s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-40] Tree-i-cide.


Harvest a Timber Sample from Large Timber and return it to Justin Timberlord.


Commander, your engineers have brought you a present. They call it the Wood Annihilator XXI the Third, Jr.

What's it do? I reckon it annihilates trees - but more importantly it will allow for the harvesting of large timber. Do you know how much timber a large tree holds? Me neither, but I bet it's a lot!

There's a large piece of timber ready to be annihilated nearby. Why don't you give the contraption a test run? Bring me back whatever it harvests and I'll put it to good use.


Did you harvest that timber sample yet?


This is fantastic! This sample indicates massive timber reserves in the large timber found across Draenor. And now with the Wood Annihilator XXI the Third, Jr. at your disposal you'll be able to chop those towering monstrosities down with ease.

Get off my back, I didn't name it.


  • Expert Logging

You will receive: 61g 60s

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