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This article is about the parrot. For treasure in the form of items and money, see loot. For treasures hidden throughout Pandaria, see treasures of Pandaria. For treasures hidden throughout Draenor and other newer zones, see vignette.
Image of Treasure
Title <The Maiden's Fancy>
Race Parrot (Beast)
Level 1-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Booty Bay
Location The Maiden's Fancy, Northern Barrens or Cape of Stranglethorn
Companion(s) Captain Krick Wrenchnozzle (owner)

Treasure belongs to Captain Krick Wrenchnozzle of The Maiden's Fancy, the boat that runs between the ports of Ratchet and Booty Bay. The parrot flies around all parts of the ship just about annoying all the members of the Maiden's Fancy except the Captain, who finds it rather entertaining when Treasure has had too many crackers to eat.

Patch changes

External links