Captain Krick Wrenchnozzle

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NeutralCaptain Krick Wrenchnozzle
Image of Captain Krick Wrenchnozzle
Title <The Maiden's Fancy>
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 1-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Booty Bay
Occupation Captain
Location The Maiden's Fancy, The Barrens or Stranglethorn Vale
Companion(s) Treasure (parrot)

Captain Krick Wrenchnozzle commands The Maiden's Fancy, the boat that runs between the ports of Ratchet and Booty Bay. Don't mind the hat, he's not out to get your loot... but it would be wise to keep your eyes on it at all times while traveling aboard his ship.

Not the original owner of the ship, Baron Revilgaz set Wrenchnozzle as captain of her a while back. The ship itself was named by a previous sailor, whom the captain thinks spent a little too much time at sea and not enough time in port, if you catch his meaning.

If you're hungry, he'll suggest you wait, Steelbelly got that name for a reason.



Hey, kid. You're aboard the Maiden's Fancy. The name's Captain Wrenchnozzle, and you've got the privilege of sailing on the pride of the Blackwater Raiders. The Bloodsail don't come near us, not with my sharp crew and the large amount of gunpowder in the hold. Insurance, you know.

If you've got questions, kid, I'll answer 'em.

Gossip The Maiden's Fancy
Yeah, that's her you're standing on. A beaut, isn't she? The Baron set me up as the captain a while back. She's not mine originally, so I didn't name her; if you want my opinion, kid, I think the sailor who named her spent a little too much time at sea and not enough time in port, if you catch my meaning.
Gossip Food & Drink
If your stomach's rumbling, talk to Gailey Chief Steelbelly, but just between you and me? You might want to wait. He's got that name for a reason.
Gossip Goods & Gear
What's a Steamweedle ship without an engineer, eh? Torquespindle can help you with anything you need. He's handy with repairing things quickly, too. If that's what you're after.

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