Trader Ba'telk

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NeutralTrader Ba'telk
Image of Trader Ba'telk
Title <Cartel Ba>
Gender Male
Race Broker (Humanoid)
Level 50-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cartel Ba
Occupation Merchant
Location Idyllia, Oribos
Status Alive

Trader Ba'telk is a broker located in the Idyllia in Oribos. He can be found talking to Trader Ba'gor.


Occasional chats with Ba'gor
  • Trader Ba'telk says: I am growing fond of these mortals. Many possess flexible morals. I can appreciate that.
Trader Ba'gor says: Not sure they would agree. They seem to believe they are the heroes of the story.
Trader Ba'telk says: Depends who is telling the story, does it not?
  • Trader Ba'telk says: I do appreciate a well-spun tale. Stories often reveal an opportunity we weren't aware of.
Trader Ba'gor says: Clearly you haven't heard the Fatescribe's attempt at a narrative.
Trader Ba'telk says: Those aren't stories! The attendants merely recount facts. Drier than the winds that blow through the Inbetween.
  • Trader Ba'telk says: Is it just me, or is a wave of panic gripping our attendant friends?
Trader Ba'gor says: That is what happens when you fall into a routine and it breaks! That's why I swore off schedules long ago.
  • Trader Ba'telk says: I tell you, this is a priceless window of opportunity.
Trader Ba'gor says: You don't think the mortals will remain here after the current troubles are dealt with?
Trader Ba'telk says: From what I can gather, they have a reputation for getting what they want and moving on. We had best act swiftly.


  • During early alpha, they were named Broker Ba'talk.

Patch changes

External links